
Jesus fucking christ, “finish the abortion”? He’s a BABY. He was born ALIVE. And I am 1,000% pro-choice. But once you are born and viable, you are your own person with the right to a shot at life. My best friend has a 5 year old who was born at 26 weeks and weighed 1.5 pounds. He’s a fucking miracle. Shame on you.

I was born at 24 weeks and I just don’t know what to say. What a sad situation.

Why would they resuscitate it? Are you fucking kidding?

Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.

Yeah, the South Africa thing totally makes the offensive Tweets okay.

I guess he’s not at home?

Some people have been criticizing the negative treatment of Chris Brown because famous white abusers don’t get treated the same. I think those criticisms are fair enough, but that the lesson is not to let the ‘poor guy’ off. Rather it should be, treat the white wife-beating pieces of shit the same way. It’s what they

It’s really not any grosser and meaner than anything else we eat, though. And from the sound of it, these animals have vastly better lives than the factory-farmed cows, pigs and chickens we eat every day.

I think Ry-bones is saying the people who can't get help don't live there. If they do, I assume they have really good jobs or are living with lots of people or something. There are lots of people who can't posdibly get this help. I left Vancouver for that reason. No way was I asking my parents for money and I just

I’ve been practicing yoga for DECADES and have NEVER come across a yoga class that gets “caught up in the eastern mysticism thing.” What’s your reference point?

I don’t think this is a cultural shift so much as a single idiot being ridiculous for her own entertainment.

Texas did just that back in 2010. It’s now called “Letter Math.”

It’s alright, I should probably have been clearer. 1950s Yorkshire is essentially Victorian London with looser child labour laws, fewer cheeky cockney chimney cleaners and more flat caps.

Wondering how many of the comments will be a version of yours: “your mother’s experience is likely unrepresentative. Instead of listening to her story, let me tell you about these other awesome nuns I know.”

I don’t give two shits about whether or not Trump is serious. It’s more terrifying to see a large number of American voters saying “that’s a good idea!” It appears that many Americans, my parents included, support literal fascism.

From what I see it was a locally known and recommended daycare. Also her lack of leave and finances probably restricted her choice. Speaking generally, it is a “thing” over here to be stuck with a “I hope it’s legal” daycare because you can’t afford anything more.

I had issues with the original article (for all the reasons you did) but I’m reluctant to criticize how a woman chooses to rationalize unimaginable grief. How an unrelated writer decides to report on and endorse that though, is fair game.

Daycare =\= Russian Roulette with your child’s life.

Yeah, I’m all for better parental/family leave, but this article is emotionally manipulative without having much ground, since those policies would not have necessarily prevented this tragedy. It would have been a more convincing argument to say that this illustrates the need checking the qualifications of your

Dude, this is an article about a dead baby. Seriously? You wanna be that guy?