I know, right? Dean lets out an exuberant yelp and his campaign is done for. Nixon sweats during a political debate and gets creamed. Donny boy is a thrice-married, serially sexual assaulting, sniffling liar and he gets elected President.
I know, right? Dean lets out an exuberant yelp and his campaign is done for. Nixon sweats during a political debate and gets creamed. Donny boy is a thrice-married, serially sexual assaulting, sniffling liar and he gets elected President.
Rule of thumb in a world where Trump is the president: anything you say satirically has a big chance of actually coming to pass.
Oh, good, we can have Celebrity Apprentice: Despots Edition with Putin, Dutarte, Assad, and Erdogan.
Please don’t read my comment at all as in ANY way trying to cast doubt on her story. I separately edited the post before I saw yours to confirm that I am fully in support of her. There is literally zero doubt in my mind that this happened!
The assault was filmed by a security camera.
“Just because my background is what it is — I’m not that type of individual, and neither is my son,” he said. “I don’t want to see my son be a victim also.”
These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.
Ugh- your last line. You were doing so well!
“fast girls”
So the argument is essentially that he’s too important now to be held to the normal standard of law? That justice will thwart a “healing process”?
You and half the electorate apparently, maybe we can get a do-over
The trial is set for November 28th? I thought that was Election Day?
The Crusader’s* cover was downright triumphant, but that decor proves awkward with her Jewish husband.
If the left isn’t listening it’s because we’ve gone deaf due to all the screaming about BENGHAZI!!!! and EMAILS!!!!!!
And in many mid-size and smaller cities, CHS operate the only hospitals that serve the uninsured and indigent populations. So in many circumstances, the women they force to carry unviable pregnancies have no means to seek other options.
Because our government could not be assed to do so themselves.
I will never understand why it’s ok for a religion to run a fucking hospital.
They literally believe that it’s a woman’s obligation to die with her fetus if worst comes to worst. Bunch of sick fucks.