
I really hope this ruling turns into a Monkey’s Paw curse for the GOP.

This is your reminder that NFTs are scams.

This is your reminder that NFTs are scams.

What, no Fallen Order? I enjoyed Fallen Order a whole lot. Definitely felt like a Jedi after the first proper boss fight against an Inquistor. And that ending sequence for the game is just unforgettable.

Your whataboutism is noted and ignored, tovarisch.

It would definitely be nice if you could get some sort of AA turrets built so that you don’t have to personally do everything yourself in order to fend off a raid.

It’s a rather costly investment to meet the stat requirements to use the sword properly, however; it takes 12 Strength and Dexterity which isn’t bad but also requires 24 Intelligence and Faith.

I have been doing that with the Sword of Night and Flame and don't even have to cheat to do it.

Elden Rings UI isn’t exactly perfect; I didn’t realize that getting that item from Fia had reduced my HP by 5% due to the buff/debuff icons not having a legend anywhere in game explaining what they mean.

It’s a flying pokemon. Why can’t it flap its wings and regain altitude?

Yes, how dare players who have ponied up cash for a game that has been in development for like eight years now and still isn’t even in a beta stage yet want to know how development is going and when to expect certain features to be implemented.

No, it has that many comments because this is apparently a slideshow Kotaku has first posted in 2020 (Given the oldest comments all date to October 2020) and just updates periodically, hence the mountain of comments.

I remember doing a trader run once in RDO only to have my wagon stolen by a cheater. I found out they were a cheater when I shot them with a rifle loaded with explosive bullets and that while they got knocked off the wagon, they took no damage and proceeded to shoot me dead again.

As someone who has played the game (Albeit not much and have been debating refunding it as I’m literally one minute shy of the two hours played cut off on Steam), no, it’s not a choice. It’s a random animation that can play when using zipcuffs on someone and it really, really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In the

“Hasn’t work for them for years”?

I know the pandemic has screwed with peoples sense of time but last I checked September was not years ago.

It would be nice if publishers/developers stopped chasing trends and just do what their series is known for and work on improving it.

If there is a Day One patch and DICE sat on it for Friday, that’s going to be a shit storm. That they had a patch that could fix a number of the issues people have been experiencing and refused to release it just because the game hadn’t technically launched yet. I know I’ll be aggravated given I paid extra for the

My two cents on the guns: In BF4, how many of those guns actually felt DISTINCT from each other? How many felt the same to another gun? Most players gravitated to a handful among the guns in a given category because they were the best overall while the rest got ignored.

So did the devs finally learn to not reuse the same plot twist they used in the last two games?

A pinhead is larger than the clump of cells is at 6 weeks.