
I figured he was a bard too. Especially since when he screwed up the surgery and fled he gave my bard PC armor that would give three THP to anyone I used Bardic Inspiration on.

It isn’t game breaking but it has helped me foil would-be ambushes in a few situations.

Pretty sure that’s teh case with the Hag.

I mean... it’s a single player RPG. It’s not designed to be endlessly played like a live service game. It’s not going to have the same player retention, especially as people either finish the game or get bored of it as new games come out that get their attention.

Honestly I felt like Andromeda was the best in the series when it came to the actual combat. There was verticality to the shootout arenas thanks to the jetpacks and such you could use to get around, you could swap between a gun focused soldier to a biotic or engineer or anythign in between with the profile system and

Reich Wing fascism at work.

Who is saying it wasn’t? I never took JRPGs as a ‘bad’ term. Just a way to differentiate them from western RPGs since JRPGs and western RPGs tend to have different design philosophies with the west usually focusing on freedom of choice/character creation and exploration while JRPGs tend to focus more on a linear

And people still buy it even though from all accounts this is Rockstar crapping out the laziest port they could get away with because they know people will still pay for it.

I never watched any of those videos but because the people going after her were so abhorrent I found myself siding with her by default.

I suppose I should be thankful I have never heard of this guy before or use TikTok because this all sounds profoundly stupid to me.

Ugh, that really isn’t a selling point. It means the maps will be full of pointless filler and chests to fill the space out. It was that tedium that made me give up on AC: Valhalla.

Can’t say I have played Redfall but hey, if people are enjoying it despite it’s myriad issues I’ve read about more power to them.

Supposedly Reddit admins are booting volunteer mods and are forcibly making private subreddits participating in the blackout go public again after taking control of them from their moderators/admins.

DeSatan is a bigot.

The Mr. Freeze boss fight was probably the best in Arkham City.

Meanwhile, Elon simps are insisting the launch was a success even though, you know, the rocket catastrophically failed and exploded in midair.

Reminds me of when the Playstation Move came out there was some minor image meme floating around of a WiiRemote and Nunchuck on the left and the Move on the right with “Sony: While others innovate, we steal” on it.

Considering how poorly the Vita sold in the end, are there even fans who want a Vita 2?

Yep, I have posted the literal definition of ‘woke’ to MAGA-billies before and ask why they think that is bad and they either don’t answer or insist that that isn’t what woke means, at which point I just remind them that ‘woke’ to them is as you said; anything they don’t like.

Fuck Russia. Slava Ukraini.