
If there is a Day One patch and DICE sat on it for Friday, that’s going to be a shit storm. That they had a patch that could fix a number of the issues people have been experiencing and refused to release it just because the game hadn’t technically launched yet. I know I’ll be aggravated given I paid extra for the

My two cents on the guns: In BF4, how many of those guns actually felt DISTINCT from each other? How many felt the same to another gun? Most players gravitated to a handful among the guns in a given category because they were the best overall while the rest got ignored.

So did the devs finally learn to not reuse the same plot twist they used in the last two games?

A pinhead is larger than the clump of cells is at 6 weeks.

That tweet is a prime example of ‘How to destroy your reputation in one tweet’.

The community as a whole is pretty united behind the CCs in this case who quit the program in protest. Been a while since I can remember the player base being this united; last I remember was back during the so-called ‘Pay to Rico’ debacle in December 2019.

To be fair, the KKK are right up there with Nazis when it comes to groups that are easy to hate and mock.

Ah, I see you are regurgitating the bullshit being spread by con artists like Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Candy “Hitler wasn’t so bad” Owens and the like about Juneteenth replacing July 4th somehow.

“Ubisoft Star Wars studio head steps down”

Kotaku proceeds to show a screenshot from an EA Star Wars game.

Republicans: We claim to want less government in people’s lives.

350 dollars? Jesus. I paid 170 dollars for my Thrustmaster 16000M HOTAS on Amazon.

Neato. Now if only they would port Fatal Frame 2 to Steam my life would be complete.

I’d kill for a PC port of Fatal Frame 2. It’s still among my highest ranked survival horror games of all time.

Well, that’s two things from E3 this year that got me tentatively excited now. The other was the Rune Factory 4 port for PC.

That was one of the things I hated most about The Witcher 3: How it completely negated every decision you made in the first two games and essentially made them pointless.

Fun fact: Neo-Nazis in America are part of the American conservative movement. See also: The “Unite the Right” march when tiki torch carrying incels chanted “Jews will not replace us!” and Margarine Greens conspiracy theories about Jewish space lasers starting forest fires.

So you mean Trump supporters? Yeah, I’m pretty sure anyone who supports Palestinians right to exist don’t cheer on neo-Nazi Trump supporters.

I don’t know why but out of everything in RE8 so far, it’s the Fingore that squicked me out the most and made me the most uncomfortable. Just made me cringe seeing what he went through.

It gave me a lot of anxiety attacks when I played it years ago, mostly due to the constant tension knowing the Alien is always hunting you and dreading it cornering you.

Spiritfarer is almost criminally underrated and deserves vastly more exposure and praise than it has gotten.