
I think it might be a Hipper class heavy cruiser. I play enough World of Warships that the silhouette looks pretty familiar to me.

That doesn’t look like a battleship. It looks more like a Hipper-class heavy cruiser.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

This is going to be terrible.

Can confirm that the Sea of Thieves community is terrible. Worst experience I had was being chased for over an hour by a trio of tryhard griefers in a brig while I was playing with my sister, who had just gotten the game and was trying to learn it.

Getting their asses kicked by Sony this generation probably had something to do with it.
Not saying Xbone did badly, so far as I know, but I doubt too many people would argue that Sony did a much better job securing big name exclusives for the PS4 compared to any exclusives Microsoft had for the Xbone.

Ugh, yeah. Part of me has to wonder if it has to do with the fact that Trump has had continuously terrible approval ratings since he took office and spouting this crap off is a way to try and feel better by ‘triggering teh libs’. Probably the same reason you’ll see Trump supporters on Twitter or Facebook spamming crap

There are some games I still prefer using a controller for on PC over mouse and keyboard, personally. Stuff like action/adventure titles, platformers, a handful of racing games, etc.

I dunno, I’ve seen a lot of people expressing similar worries that he might win again and that we can’t afford to get cocky despite how bad his polling is. He won once, after all.

In theory, if Trump loses, he will no longer be protected by Twitters exemption for world leaders come 2021 since he will no longer be a world leader, just a washed up has-been. Maybe then they’ll finally ban him.

And nothing of value was lost.

This is your reminder that, absurd as it sounds, the US actually was almost that cartoonishly racist during that time period.

But yeah, the whole ‘Vox Populi’ being just as bad as the Founders part pissed me off, trying to create some sort of forced false equivalence.

Most local Fox affiliates don’t actually have much to do with the shitty cable Fox News beyond the name.

Yeah, it’s probably the best feature for the update so far. Not having to build that damn summoning station on every planet you come across.

I don’t know why I laughed so hard at this but I did.

I think ALs character design is more interesting than KanColles, personally. They were also a lot faster about adding non-Japanese ships from the start, whereas KanColle dragged its heels from my understanding about adding non-Japanese ships.

Seems like it’s a pretty typical affair for Idea Factory/Compile Heart, the developer of Crosswave. They also did the Neptunia games and Fairy Fencer F. Their games tend to be story/dialogue heavy from my experience. Also tend to be somewhat flawed but still endearing games, too.

I am partial to Azur Lane, myself. Bit of a guilty pleasure but it is pretty generous for a gacha game. A lot more open about drop rates than other gacha, too.

Seriously Kotaku? Not even a spoiler warning before you post spoilers? Yeah, know the game has been out a year and get that the DLC is about trying up loose threads from the ending but I still haven’t gotten around to finishing it and had managed to avoid spoilers so far.

I think it was because of copyright concerns in the US. Worried Ray Bradbury would sue them or something.