
And claws, don't forget claws...

Well I laughed :)

nice, very nice :)

What dya mean? he's still got a neat tattoo of a box with some triangles attached!

I miss this. I remember having to go to someones house to see what they were up to, and if they weren't in you would leave a message on a piece of paper or just think that maybe they were in town and go and see if you could find them.

This gets my vote for funniest comment of the day... When I started reading it I was thinking of advice as being maybe relationship or life oriented. Then when I read about the photos of the results of the "advice" I was thinking "ooooh sounds a bit dark". Like you had told someone how to get out of a failed

Not just America either mate. Here in the UK a friend from long ago was jumped one night by two guys looking to rob him. Having trained in martial arts for a time, when one guy literally jumped on his back his first reaction was to throw him. Guy falls badly, back hits a skip. My friend was sued by the assailant!

Thanks for the reply, it turned out to be a little bit more complicated than that :)

Bingo, I do exactly the same except my torrents folder is in a folder that I share with the missus, as she has a rubbish connection whilst being away for study it means she can just drop things in there and get them when she comes home!

Well now I've got some advice for you, little buddy. Before you point the finger you should know that I'm the man, and if I'm the man, then you're the man, and he's the man as well so you can point that fuckin' finger up your ass

shhh dont tell anyone but if you go to it looks normal...

@iMattv4: Just the ability to connect to the app store would be nice. My 3gs refuses to connect to the app store or iTunes store on either wireless or 3G.

@Dr Durdon: I'm 82% sure that there is a secret government department dedicated to hearing ideas spoken out loud or sucking ideas directly out of peoples heads using spy satellites and lasers. Once they have the ideas they are forwarded using the power of email to another department which sends agents back in time to

@A Magician Named Gob: Your comment made me laugh so hard. I don't even really know why! Thanks :)

@Zubieta: Damn it, wish I lived somewhere we could stockpile water and guns. Best we can do in the UK is go and buy a decent shovel and a crossbow!

@Zubieta: Yeah they should have made them bigger so they would know not to..oh wait...

@cowboybebopfan: I think that it's an internetism, in that because we have the internet it's a whole lot easier to jump on someone's back! :)

@BigManMalone: Truly excellent response. Whenever anyone asks me about rights I will point them at this post to help clarify their muddy thinking.

For my two cents worth, all technology is a step in a direction. We can and will never know if it's the right direction as we don't have a mirror image of the world to compare our choices against. But at least people are trying things. It may be that the school discovers that iPads just aren't the tool they are