
@photonshake: Isn't there a Futurama episode about this?

Wow what a perfectly timed article! Had a nice phone call with my mum last night. She got herself an ipod nano earlier in the year and last time I visited I helped her set up iTunes and taught her how to rip CDs. Now a few months down the line she wants me to explain to her how to remove music from her ipod and rip

@infmom: I teach computers (catch all statement including blogs, photoshop, final cut, illustrator, laser cutting, printing, audio editing, online safety, etc etc...) at an art college and it's always interesting. From my point of view the new breed of "digital natives" only seem to have a very thin veneer of

Don't forget Hot Fuzz, it's one of those films you can watch over and over and still find funny...yerp! :)

@The5thElephant: I think there is a sincere and important difference between reading a manual and referring to it during a devices setup. Sometimes I read the manual after everything is working fine just to make sure that the manual is working correctly. :)

@MisterHister: Yes, YES, YES! Now you're talking! :)

@Phatric: That's what I wanted to see too. I thought it might have something to do with the battery powered microwave that heinz released to heat up beans in.

@nigma.ed: I think it was one of your guys that said it best, to paraphrase (and borrow some Frank Turner lyrics):

@blash: It's ok, it's the same here in the UK. Everything is fine, all you have to do is just stop caring.

Sony DR-BT21G Been using them for a year and a half, awesome sound for music, still getting used to having a phone conversation with the other party coming through in both ears!!

@petercharters: This is why I love Gizmodo. You Sir win some kind of prize created for people who explain things to other people. :)

@Calrekabooki: That joke still makes me laugh, and it's not even that good!

@aceofcakes: There is nothing that I don't like about your reply. Thanks for the free laugh :D

@Clixx13: For me it was the text that was funny also. I had no idea who the conductor is, even less that he is disabled! Just to calm the waters I thought I would try adding the same text to other images. It's just as amusing. I think because of imagining a conductor saying that before starting...

@sbunny: I think you've got it round the wrong way, this will be all over sorority girls....

Is Netflix a US only app?

@Aristeia: Dont give them ideas! :(