
Why is DmC still more than $10? It's been a year and a half since it was released. It's MSRP is still $49.99. INCONCEIVABLE!!!!

Yes! Wild Arms was my first JRPG on PS1, and the first JRPG I played after Super Mario RPG. This game will always hold a special place in my heart, as well as the opening theme.

How many GB is your iPhone 5S? I mean, it was important to note how capacious your iPad was, so I think you're remiss in leaving out the rest of the data. (Even though the storage of your devices has absolutely no bearing on your stated use case)

I don't think that would be the case. If anything, the metal filling in the tooth is lossy and will end up absorbing a lot of the power. Furthermore, there is path loss between the remote and the tooth, so the filling would not act as some kind of microwave relay. Furthermore, the height of the antenna in the remote

As an EE with a masters degree in RF and Microwave Circuits, I have to call BS on this trick. I think what is actually happening is that the antenna propagation pattern when holding it vertically and higher up is what is allowing waves to have a clearer line of sight to the car. RF waves just pass through you, or are

Beautiful riposte.

PS4 - $330 (had $100 Amazon GC)

This may be anathema to you, but you really just need a hacksaw. I haven't ever sanded down the edges and my 4 cats have never had a problem with it. There are probably cleaner ways to make the cut, like a dremel, but I don't have one and it works just fine...only requires a little elbow grease.

What do you use for litter boxes? I've been using large storage bins with a side cut out for my cats. Curious to see what other people who actually clean the box manually, every day, have as their setup.

Now playing

Batman & Robin's sole purpose was to be used for this youtube video:

I usually SSH via the terminal and save my command (ssh user@serverIP) to a .file so that I can always call it with "./.file".

I don't know about you, but I work a full time job and am going to school for a masters degree, so time is kind of limited. I use reviews as a general gauge of whether or not a game is worth my time or not. Yes, I could play the demo, but honestly, I forgot that it was even there. Ergo, sheep?

Wow, talk about divergent. IGN trashed this game with a 4.7. Now I'm confused! I'll wait for the bargain bin.

So you trash Windows 8 games compatibility without attributing any anecdotal evidence? Bad form. I've been running Windows 8 since the CP and all of my games have worked fine. Maybe -older- games would have compatibility issues, but even then most things seem to work fine for me.

Have fun paying $60 for your games while I wait for them to drop to $15 on Steam

Getting the tacos is always a terrible deal. My strategy is to ALWAYS get a bol, since you can make 6+ tacos with it. Additionally, the bol has even more food than you get in the burrito. They will give you tortillas for free on the side if you ask, but I've only ever gotten a maximum of 4 (YMMV).

I had the same thing happen to me while playing Batman Arkham City earlier this year. I got my PS3 on 11/6/2006, and it died almost exactly 6 years later. In order to recover my data, I did the blow dryer trick (you can find it on youtube) to make a backup of my save data (you can't access the PS3 HDD contents

I do P90X/Insanity/P90X2 workouts in the morning, and I have to eat constantly throughout the day. If you're doing a workout like that, chances are you need MORE energy. But if you do something like walk/run in the morning, or light strength, yes I can see this being the case.

Ever considered that it might be your WAP? I haven't had any issues connecting to wifi with my ipad 3. It's worked fine with various Linksys routers (on tomato FW) as well as an apple Airport Express.

Where are the benchmarks that show the SGS3 outperforms it? Where do you have this un-released phone that you can perform said benchmarks?