
Its part of the whole cyberpunk theme. Sure, cyberpunk doesn’t need it to convey a cyberpunk theme but redefining a genre just because it doesn’t fit into today’s vision is idiotic. Instead, make a new sub-genre modeled after today’s vision of a technological dystopian future. Name it virtuapunk or something. Idk. Prob

Just gonna leave this​ list of games at E3 here so you all can see what exclusives and multi platform titles were announced. . If you’re going to write an article on a popular gaming news site, then at least list your facts straight.

There is no such thing as being too old. My 50 year old father plays and Pokemon as do I at 23. I remember my first video game being Pokemon Yellow and I still play today. You remind me of some guy I know that thinks he’s too old for Disney. Thinking you’re too old for something just sounds childish to me.

I don’t think any console gamer sees PC as competing platform nor should a PC gamer think consoles are competing with them. Gaming rigs are built for enhanced graphics without sacrificing performance. Consoles are built for ease of access with reasonable performance and graphics. To put things shortly, Quantum Break

Not sure where that quote came from, but I can confirm that once downloaded X1 and X360 free games are fully playable without gold. Policy must have changed since then.