
Easy, that’s what you give a person who’s been poisoned!


How is her identity threatening yours? I mean, there are many reasons, from abuse to mental illnesses and brain biology to “natural” reasons, we don’t fully understand yet that can lead to transgenderism and even homosexuality.

4. 2 men, 2 women. Then he’ll start holding the press conferences himself.

Fuck you all y’all tweeny thankless twats. Hanging out in your parents’ basement, leeching off of their smartphone plans and daddy’s wifi with no income or any accomplishment of your own to show for, making it sound like your parents are the most uncool thing that happened to you. Well let me remind you that you every

My big worry arises out of the fact that my empathy kind of went into overdrive with the whole “bullying” scenario with the hockey stick —c’mon man, can’t a robot just do its job?— and then it promptly went away.

Since many people do not believe that the Bible is the unfiltered word of God - it may be the word of God, but filtered through the limited understanding of the humans he spoke to, and then filtered further through time by many other humans trying to understand, record, and in some cases manipulate for their own

Yep. Women take so much shit as we age, being ignored, made invisible, disrespected (even by younger women, by the way, and y’all need to cut that shit out if you’re doing it.)

I agree. I’m an old and fuck anyone who doesn’t want to see my upper back. Don’t look.

You know what matters more than flabby arms?

Our local history department does consider donations of material relevant to our community’s history.