Bitch bitch bitch.
Bitch bitch bitch.
Exactly this. Not every game has to be a masochistic circle jerk like DS.
Literally nothing in common with dark souls. Stop referencing this shit game like it invented every mechanic.
Shouldn’t have to apologize for anything. People need to grow the fuck up and take a joke. Fuck the lgbrtusnfnowjnfa community. Bullshit made up terminology. Aside from being gay, the rest are mental illness and the rest of us should not have to apologize.
Congrats, you have peaked at age 14 playing a shit tier game. All downhill from here.
How about you make actually scary movies. These half asses attempts lately with trademark “scary noises.” Retards making pop noises and shit.
They heard the internet, swapped out yet another shitty sports game with a decent game. No mystery here. Good for them.
Non-binary is bullshit. it’s another stupid made up group of people who are too narcissistic to be happy with just being a person. You have to invent a group so you can feel special. It’s just a girl. A decidedly well playing girl at that. Good for her.
Watch the news much? super easy game isn’t slightly easier.