Narelle Ho Sang

Shut your dirty mouth, Geebs!

It’s true. The fact that Adventure Time has to be explained... that...well...

I freaking love Nicholarse.

Hey. Don't be cray. RB with your friends. i.e. get a PS4. You can still GH as well. No need to pick a side. Except when you do! >=[

Hey. Don't be cray. RB with your friends. i.e. get a PS4. You can still GH as well. No need to pick a side. Except

SuRed also doesn’t know British humour. Poor guy. Can’t win ‘em all.

All hail SuEv!

This header is awesome.

This is awesome, Steve Bowling. Great article and super informative. Thanks for this little bit of interesting history!


hehe =)

I also forgot I was masquerading under my real name. XD

This is a gem, PA.

Can we get gelato after?


I know! Me too. =/ I was hoping it was gonna get rolled out to the sub blogs. T.T

Too funny, Nach. You know you’re the only one on both Kotaku and TAY who saved the Queen.

Yeah, text annotations are no more:

I'm happy to see you applied the Tennant eyes to yourself as well.