See what happens to you when you slap me? You get greyed out.
See what happens to you when you slap me? You get greyed out.
You really don't. Though I have to amend my request. Please also spare my Twinsie but in return, I will give you Nach. XD
Good, because it was about to...
I want it, UI. T.T
Can I put in a good word for Swan as well?
Well...just on this thread. >.> Sorry, Furby. You're free to run cray here though! Woo!
Thank you, Evan. As always. I hope you're having a great day! Will you be attending NYCCC?
Should I help you, Furby?
Hey Gunneh. You could try here, I believe.
Hey Doc,
No problem! Hope we can see more of you too. =)
Hello Sandrock,
Thank you, Stephen for taking the time to answer questions and for the continued support to TAY by you, Evan, Tina and the Kotaku staff.
Oo, me! I'm excited!
But let us also not forget A Hat in Time.
Yep! As Dam said, thank you as always.
They're watching us like I'm watching you, Dam! -.O
Thanks as always Awesome Evan.
He always includes it! For as long as he has been linking to the Open Forum which has been months at this point.