Why did they dress up that sloth in clown face? That shit ain't right.
Why did they dress up that sloth in clown face? That shit ain't right.
And somehow, the 'cute 'em up' version of Alan Rickman still manages to capture that scowl. Love that man! Saw him in "Seminar" a couple of years ago. He plays miserable so well...
I have an important question which may or may not have been asked and answered.
You can head over to the TAY: Open Forum and express interest on becoming an author to TAY over there by leaving a comment. One of our awesome admins should be able to help address your question from there.
And yet all I can think about now is having shake shack. Minus seven of those patties. Bleck.
Bacon is never played out. Don't you ever let them tell you otherwise! Fools, all of them!!!!!
Oh no...nausea inducing fun à la Katamari style?
Hipsters. Definitely, hipsters.
2D on the walls, eh? It's the Paper Zelda game Nintendo is trying out without making it yet. Whoooaaa!!!! Whoa?
Does this mean we are getting our layton x wright game in Autumn this year instead? No Layton in Autumn is going to confuse me terribly.
Indeed. I finished it earlier this year and I did not mind spending what I did on the Wii U for it. I absolutely loved the weird humour in the descriptions of the items and the creepiness of it all. Great experience.
Yeah, I was really scared to ask. I am hoping he is on vacation...and not the permanent kind. The kind where he is under the earth. =/
With this new found knowledge I can perhaps raise the stakes for a better deal - maybe throw in that first Skylander thing too. Thanks
Fahey, I'll trade you...uh, your kids... this Lego Knight for that Skylander Knight with Shield.
"They" say wrong things...
Come now, surely there's room for just one or two more spikes?! or...50. Yeesh. Nomura was being such an under-achiever. More spikes!
What the....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo. They've ruined Boko!!!! What is that? That's just some ordinary yellow bird running amok. Ugh. This is terrible. The art is so bland and crayon like clean and neat or something. BLAND, I say!
It's indescribable how amazing this is...mostly due to the fact that most people cannot hold back the laughter or smile on the face as they perform the attack. People having fun and being ridiculous is just the kind of Heart Warming Shenanigans this Wednesday needs!
Agreed, Ac1dHappy about our own blog space. This could be so much fun and gives everyone their own little voice to be creative and such!!! I'm looking forward to this and will encourage writing for those who want to.
Hey Totilo, my sister and I went last night and we saw both you and Jason (hi Jason!) there. We sat in Section 100 at Row L. I was hoping to street pass tag with you guys but there was something about hailing out the Kotaku Editor-in-Chief and being a nerd at a Zelda concert (j/k)...something shyness something...