Goodnight, sweet Prince.
Goodnight, sweet Prince.
The certitude and self-confidence of your writing is genuinely hilarious, given the subject matter. Thank you for that.
É óbvio que Coloradão é uma universidade no pais do Brasil.
I’m aware that this isn’t going to change your mind about anything, but at least learn how to argue better while you’re futilely screaming back at yourself in your own digital echo chamber, yeah?
The best Daredevil video game was, of course, Spider Man 2 on Original Xbox. Granted, you couldn’t actually play as ol’ DD, but still.
A Morrowind remaster would have me SO JAZZED.
Best comment of the day.
The best part is that Diaz just reposted this horrible article from another website. I mean, at least he cited it, but for the love of god, man, consider your source.
Finish the obvious joke:
“Yep, that’s a labiodental fricative.” –Linguists everywhere looking at that frame
I’m stoked to see Brent Spiner in this one again, but, like, didn’t his character get telepathically choked to death and then shot 48 times in the first one?
This. +1
If reading axes is “science” to you, then yes.
Would you like to take some time to reflect on how you’ve misinterpreted the data here or should I jump in with some helpful suggestions?
I came here hoping to find variegated Oprah and Nic Cage media. And this comments section did not disappoint. Thank you, internet.
I’m super glad I’m not high right now.
Apparently ol’ J-Hey didn’t get the memo that he could shut up about “playing the game the right way” now that he’s not on the Cardinals anymore.