
I'd like them cast in a Nick & Nora Charles movie post-haste. They have incredible chemistry together. With how she's talked about him in media, I think they might have a dating history together or something. Clearly they're very close, and it shows onscreen in spades.

Very true. John Garrett was more cartoony fun (no less good, but a different brand of villain), but Ward's flip to flat-out villain was the perfect move for his character. His perfect good guy in the first season was completely uninteresting.

My favorite moment of the episode and season so far. I paused that shit for two reasons - to laugh at it, and to keep looking at it so I could keep laughing at it.

We look forward to owning all your Alf pogs.

:: passes out from sudden lack of blood flow to brain ::

With the success of Jessica Jones (i.e. yes, women like these kinds of shows too), I wouldn't be surprised if it makes that leap. I think it's the smartest move at this point. They have to realize what a gold mine they have in Hayley Atwell.

I think Marvel is taking the 'your villains suck' criticism to heart in a really big way. First Kingpin, then Purple Man, and now Whitney Frost. I can't wait to see what kind of monster she is by the end of the season.

Another great episode, but the look on Jarvis' face when it was smashed up against the car window was the absolute highlight. I need a Nick & Nora Charles movie starring James D'Arcy and Hayley Atwell immediately.

Well, you certainly don't revel in sound advice.

Enjoy a life of shitty movies. There are plenty to choose from.

You don't have the slightest idea of how wrong you are.

I find it difficult to focus on the show sometimes because I can't stop staring at her specifically. And from what we know about her from her presence on social media, she seems like a genuinely good person too. Total dream girl.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is the greatest action/adventure movie ever made. Hard pass? You are demented.

Because a bunch of beardo movie critics told you it was bad and everyone believed them without bothering to see it. Uh-oh, reshoots! This movie must be garbage!

p.s. Please start this trend by putting her in my bed tonight. Thank you.


Can't talk. 'Batin'.

It's a Schindler's List reboot.

Not the version I saw back in November. There may have been Easter eggs or whatever, but it's a pretty standalone film. Bad Robot may have added stuff in between November when I saw it and now to tie it in with Cloverfield, but I wouldn't call it a sequel at all.

The film your mom made in 1926.