Terry Crews
And it is probably venomous.
Per flat earthers this cow doesn’t exist.
This was definitely similar to my experience. Something about episodes 25 and 26, though they were so reviled by a lot of the fanbase, definitely gave me the strength to begin my own journey to connect with humanity again. Even if Shinji ultimately didn’t like himself much, he decided to live.
I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion as a suicidal teen (with what was later diagnosed as clinical depression and social anxiety), and it was, and is, probably the singular most important piece of art to me.
“Give somebody an inch and he thinks he’s a ruler. Give him twelve inches and he is a ruler.”
It’s never been rebooted so zero seems like the right answer.
Excuse me that’s Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.
This was also his 3rd or 4th attempt on that island. They had previously shot at him.
I went to that Christian Concern website, and no surprise, they’re actively supporting Christians ministers going where they’ve been explicitly told they’re not welcome and then claiming they’re being persecuted when they get there.
Yeah, he was even warned. He at least should have given up once his bible was shot with an arrow. Hello! Message from god! I’d turn back if I were you!
There is nothing tragic about this. There is, however, some sort of poetic justice. Clearly, God wanted him dead - isn’t that how it works?
Our thoughts and prayers go out to both John’s family and friends
He illegally went to an island KNOWING it was illegal and how that island operates and he could die and did it anyway. Let that be a lesson to anyone else who wants to fuck with people who DO NOT WANT TO BE FUCKED WITH.
Let’s not call them anti-vaxers anymore. It is so negative. I think Plague Carriers is more accurate and predictive of their future.
Well your child is permanently crippled now, but not autistic. Great parenting.
Can’t wait for polio to make a big comeback. It’s so retro.
Some important points. 1) Being anti-vax is a choice. 2) It endangers the lives of the innocent. 3) It’s built on a pack of debunked lies.