
Reminds me of an article that quoted a woman in Florida shortly after the shut down began. She said “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” Let that sink in for a minute. A woman voted this man into office thinking his main responsibility was to hurt a segment of the population she didn’t like. This

Just once, I’d like to see a reporter ask one of these clowns: “Why are you such a piece of shit?”

Put some respeck on who’s name? GTFOH. This loser has done nothing of merit but ride Obama’s economy. He’s presided over the worst quarter The Dow Jones ever saw, suffered humiliating defeats in the mid terms and been the butt of a million jokes on SNL & late night talk. Stop acting like this bloated turd deserves

That shit had me fucking raging. Especially since his ugly stupid overweight lazy untruthful uncultured criminal orange etc ass plays fucking golf all day and watches Faux News. Like bitch the damn nerve? Swear to god him and the Republikkkan party have my blood boiled. Oh I wish his ass would have a heart attack from

The problem appears to be that this game sucks.  

Eh considering how old this clip is, it’s a little late to be calling them out now.  

Tell them to make sure they have strong reading comprehension because it will be helpful in all aspects of life.

Touts himself as the anti-Obama, yet anything he gets in trouble for is okay because Obama allegedly did it first. Which is it, motherfucker? You can't have it both ways. 

Waiting for the day when I never see an image of this rainbow snow cone tattooed rapist clown face again, the filthy piece of shit. All the punches forever.

Here you go!

I’d like to point out the poetic justice here, Walker signed a bill during his tenure that eliminates the right to request a recall if you lose by more than 1% of the vote. He lost by 1.2%.

It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

Holy shit, Gamers are trash.  Just don’t play it if you’re that mad.  Christ...

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

However you feel about this game, the guy in this video deserves to be punched in the mouth.

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass is on its last day of being free on Xbox Live. So now is the perfect time to grab that!

I just want to throw out that my 2 year old phone has Android 7.0 and the companion app is incompatible for it so you’re kind of just being shitty for no reason.

I almost laughed at this, then I thought...fuck I play too much Destiny.

I would imagine the controls for just about any game would feel fudgy after having spent the bulk of 4 years in Destiny.

Just some passionate, patriotic individuals. People who love their nation. Nationalists, I believe they’re called.

Mitch McConnell and the Republicans don’t seem to understand that the families of those who will die from their asinine policies are going to be enraged enough to seek vengeance. The Republicans are truly, truly stupid or so massively arrogant that they think it won’t touch them.