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    Right just a big rc plane full of c4. You could probably build a mock up from any hobby store, thats a reality I didn’t think about until now. They have huge rc aircract cross that with drone tech, like a live feed camera, and you have a ferocious new weapon. The other aspect of this is, would a wooden aircraft still

    Thats the whole money cant buy class movement.

    Coming down mt hood last week, three spoiled young males in daddys car were weaving in and out of traffic. The car had a cali manufactor plate on it so I assumed it would be driven by an older person but nope three snowboarder bros. As I approached in the left lane doing 70 they decided their lane was too slow and the

    The a-12 oxcart was retired in 68 and flew just a little higher and faster and was presumably retired due to its inability to no longer out run soviet SAM’s. Makes you wonder what else they came up with, or what the SR-71 was actually capable of.