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    Large performance coupe is a bit of a reach, it’s wheel base is shorter than the gt-86, though it’s also wider. I imagine it’s the frs we all wanted in the first place. 

    I am actually kind of dumb founded that you mention the atomic bombs as being the worst part of ww2. Respectively both detonations weren’t even top five worst bombing campaigns on the Japanese mainland much less the worst events to have taken place during ww2. Yes you can sympathize with individual people no matter

    The perosn who filmed the video needs to be slapped. How do you manage to look away 2 seconds before impact.

    The only answers to this are miata or wagon drive train swap. Thinking an 05 taurus needs to be a rwd sleeper terror.

    Harris, leblanc and Sabine....the line up as it should have been.

    I never expected chevys midsize to compete with the tacoma as well as it has, but its destroyed it as the market segment leader. All the hail the new taco the CHACO twins.

    I call this Mercedes syndrome. All the cars must look the same JA?! VW did it too now all models have the same front end.

    Chris Evans is awful...

    So, let me clearify not trying to be a dick. Though does anyone know of any other defense blogs that are comparable to foxtrot alpha during the good ol Tyler days. The 4-6 fresh pieces a week. These pieces recently seem like puff pieces; just enough filler to barely keep the doors open.

    I grew up in Wasilla and regularly fished in Haines and other coastal towns with my dad. This makes me all kinds of nostalgic to return to the great north.

    I did nazi that coming.

    I noticed the lack of content this last week, week and a half; his two articles a day were my favorite part of the internet. May he find success in his new position and may jalopnik find a man/woman able to stand in his shoes and take the reigns of one of the best defense blogs on the web.

    Maybe I am being harsh and judgemental, but I hate Evans face. Hes just a weasely looking ginger who is an ass. I along with the rest of the top gear fans will be waiting for the boys on amazon...One last question though, who the f*** thought matt leblanc would attract a u.s. audience? I am sure Jerry Seinfeld would

    We send in huge amounts of troops you guys whine, we send in fire teams you guys whine, we send aid you guys whine, we do tell we are sending in people we dont say we are sending people you guys whine. Do you see the only thing that doesnt change?

    So theyll still have one ship? A russian ship going to dry dock is as good as retiring it these last 25 years.

    The only new lexus i have liked at all is that black one. I hate the lights on them the predator grills the put the god damn pen down and stop adding curves design. But that black one is just glorious.


    This looks so much better than the Velante; which looks confused and trying too hard to be a ferrari, an ugly one at that.

    B-21 specter would have been good if not for the AC-130. If we are going comical i am thinking chupacabra or something else to denote it kills goat humpers.

    Thats what I came here to comment. Left in five hundred feet on motherfucking main st motherfucker.