Sounds like a grumpy PS Fanboy.
Sounds like a grumpy PS Fanboy.
Considering the list was for Pokemon X and Y, you've probably already decided not to buy that by this point anyway so...? Or if you're thinking this is a checklist for ORAS and you couldn't even be bothered to read the first sentence of the article or the title of the checklist, so yeah, playing Pokemon might be way…
so you don't play video games at all then? Cause Pokemon isn't the only game that has a crap ton of things to do in order to "complete" the game. This tends to be par for the course of most JRPG's now and days (yes pokemon is a jrpg, people seem to forget that).
What kind of idiot sees a list for some super completionist and goes well I'm not doing all that so I guess I won't get the game
Held items. EV/IV expansion. Environmental effects. Special/Physical split. Additional types. Natures. Double Battles. Forme change. Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion.
All i can say is: you are an idiot
except, you just said reddit. Validity goes down the toilet.
This is the weakest one in the series in my opinion. COD 4 was great and if that's the only one you own, you will be disappointed in this one.
So the joke is that they trying to be obnoxious and unfunny?
Why are Buzzfeed people so painfully unfunny? They keep pushing an agenda and they're never funny...
Also the chime noise
Also, that chime...
I'm inclined to believe some of the rumors that she creates a lot of these death threats herself for publicity and pity sake.
I'm starting to feel incredelous about all of this. Like we're going to get an article a year or two down the line that all of these threats were faked.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with the rest of you?
He's the villain from the Story of Zolgoo games. He usually fights Lernk, who wields the Mister Sword.