
Idk though, i think some of the blame falls on the player. Nowhere does it say game are completed or even near completion. Doesnt it have a big huge warning above the buy button stating that it isnt complete? If you dont do your research and buy the game anyways to find theres not much to play then thats your fault in

Shouldve kept the ghost one, i went with the 100$ one instead. But people were paying 3-4x the amount for the ghost one on ebay at one point.

Cant download digital when you want that sexy collectors edition

Im still waiting for UPS to deliver. The driver around my area lives in my nieghborhood, so he waits until hes off to bring the packages to us as late as possible(since he gets off as late as it takes to deliver everything else). I absolutely hate it ._.

For me as a kid it was these. Did end up getting them all. After a few weeks thanks to my parents getting happy meals as well, always asking for a different one if we had a duplicate.

A professional gets paid. Complaining about not getting paid for a fan contest is just pathetic. Pessimistic assholes.

Not sarcastic, i have the same view as you. Most of the other musicians piping in on this seem to have their heads up their asses. So its nice to see that someone (you) doesnt.

Eyyy, a good guy music guy is here finally! Yay!

"Artists"... I dont think your reading "Fan contest" correctly. They arent looking for professional music artists to enter the contest. If an artist chooses to enter, then thats their choice.

ITS A CONTEST FOR A FEW SONGS. They arent asking people to write and compose every song for their entire game. Ofcourse they arent going to pay people when it comes to a contest. If you dont want to be featured in their game because you wont get paid by them simple solution! DONT FUCKING SUBMIT SOMETHING TO THEIR

Did they ask for artists? I do believe its a "fan" contest, that is only for a few songs. They arent asking their fans to write the soundtrack for their entire game. That leaves room for someone to be hired in a professional field. Bitching about a fan contest is a new low.

Recently game studio Red Thread ran a competition to include fan-made music in revered adventure revival Dreamfall Chapters. Or at least, they tried to.


Oh hey look, someone with a brain!

Destiny.. >_>

Really? Youre going to correct my grammar? How old are you? 12?

Yea, because fuck their right to make their game however they want! Youre an imbecile.

You sound like an entitled child. "Im not getting what i want, give me what i want! WAHHHHHH!!!!" Its their game, if you dont like it vote with your wallet and dont buy it.

SILVER! I would buy the shit out of this if released in the west ._.
