
So first Zelda takes on Dynasty Warriors and now Dragon Quest? Surely i cant be the only one hoping for a DBZ game done in this style.. IMO that could be EPIC :D

Does this likely mean PS4 sales will improve in Japan? Its pretty loved there.. right?

Ah.. i mean its a little funny but a little.. weird as well.

It still isnt what people wanted. It isnt another large stick. But holy fuck, are you really that bad of a fanboy you have to comeback here to post this? I mean i love Nintendo, but come on man.

Yes, i know this. Thank you for derailing my sarcastic joke.

Um, okay? So you just choose to ignore the first part of my comment to reply to the second part as if the first part doesnt exist? Right then. Have a good day! :D ignoring anything else you have to say.

I in no way said teh c-stick is the only reason. I said hardware, that includes more than just the c-stick. The c-stick was just an example i used. Please read the first line "only possible on the new one because of the new hardware (c-stick included)" Maybe you missed it.

Yes i know. Its still headed by Mcmillen though.

I want BOI: Rebirth more

Because they have to sell the Xbone to an audience besides Call of Duty

Yes, but that add on is in NO way perfect and it was an after thought. On top of that, the game cant run on the old hardware. Bringing up this secondary add on wont fix or change that.

Yes, thank you Captain Obvious

I know its not the same people saying it. Im more or less joking around, as the general responses i see that get all "starred"/agreed with are these on articles pertaining to them.

"Nintendo needs to find new ways of making money, theyre too old school"

Yes my original comment was in reference to the article you commented on in response to your "I can't believe people are actually supportive of Nintendo and their decision to screw over owners of the older 3DS models." Smash bros is still playable on current 3DS. I was talking about Xenoblade only being available on

What? The entire trailer is shown with a border of the new 3ds and at the end shows the new 3ds. Are you blind? Also the new smash bros games arent what i was talking about, where are you in this conversation? I was talking about Xenoblade being exclusive to the new one. Which in itself makes 100% sense. How does

Nintendo ports a super popular, rare to find cheap game to their new 3DS with functionality only possible on the new one because of the new hardware (c-stick included)

They wont.

Except Nintendo didnt just "decide" its only playable on the new one. The new hardware is what makes it possible. Would you rather just not have the game at all? You sound like a spoiled child.

So we either.. dont get the game at all OR they release with the new hardware that supposedly makes it even possible at all. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..