
Still showing regular prices.. is it live at Midnight pacific or something?


Jumping at him? Asking question is jumping at him? Youre the one jumping it not furthering any part of the conversation. Youre just playing "hey man, its his choice, let him have his choice, man." I only read the first line of what you typed fyi, because honestly? I dont give a fuck about this anymore. So please drop

So basically you prefer Xbones exclusives? Because most games are crossplatform nowadays. Xbones got what.. Halo, Sunset Overdrive and that show tie in game? Kind of seems like you were an Xbox 360 fanboy, who turned to PS4 because of the bullshit that Xbone pulled and now you miss you Cawl of Dootys and Halows. And

Calm down there internet hero.

-Its been pretty great, ive been playing NBA 2k14 the most on it, the mycareer mode is fun but many aspects are still very broken about it and the game itself. Hoping that 2k doesnt just lazily release like they have in the past and actually fix some of the animations that plague an otherwise great game.

Really? Just because its not paying off instantly youre selling it? LOL You do know more games are coming out for it.. right? You really cant be that misinformed..

I just want this guy in the west :( too bad Monster Hunter isnt nearly popular enough for them to bring one of the 3DS' over with the game.. So i guess i should be happy that theyre at least bringing the game.. but still.

It would wind up looking weird while closed then. Its going to look weird one way or another. I think its fine as is.

Uh this has been known for quite awhile now

says "Wolftech"

R.I.P twitch :'(

It happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You want to eat hate for my sarcasm? U wot m8?


Welp, this made me want to play Skyrim yet again, thanks a lot Patricia ._.

Oh no it was completely sarcastic but im not trying to imply it like its a bad thing. Its just you hear "next gen" and maybe expect a little more, even with something like minecraft.

Well ya ofcourse, im not discounting that.

So.. more blocks/view distance? o0o0o0o