
Kind of just looks like stickers

Again, my opinion. I never said it was a fact or that what i think is what everyone should think. Have a nice night please! ^_^

Not really saying the shooting in CoD is bad. I actually quite enjoyed it for years. Its the lag/hit detection/trolling/other shit that has ruined it.

Nope, not by that logic. Shooting in call of duty is much much different than shooting in killzone. The mechanics with how the player moves, the guns shoot, etc are MUCH different in those examples. The shooting in Titan Fall feels exactly like call of duty, to me. Again, this is all my opinion, dont bring out your

Are you implying i havent played it? Im not just blatantly hating on it, im also not putting down anyone who does enjoy. This is my opinion, thanks.

For CoD with mechs? No thanks. I got a beta key through email, and honestly im not really impressed. Its pretty much just CoD shooting mechanics + double jumping/wall running/parkour type elements + mechs. Honestly a single player could have probably been pretty awesome. But playing against 6 people + bots(who are

Ill condense it for you, i dont give a fuck.

First part of the video "if they use it all the time"

Have fun being angry your whole life! Hopefully someday you wake up and realize theres more to it than being angry at stupid shit like this! :) Have a nice day!

You care WAY too much about this, its just a random picture i found that i thought summed up the thought in a funny way. You, for whatever reason, are popping a blood vessel over it. Honestly man, just let it go.

Orrr you could just not take shit so personally/seriously and try to live a happier life?

System, HUGE monster hunter fan, trust me i know the games coming out next year.

The gamestop promos... just ew.

Ugh, if only theyd bring it here to the west :( love rajang and monster hunter

In the trailer is said 8/1. Thats a year old? Well shit.

Actually i LOVE straight turn based, like FF III, FF X, or the new Bravely Default. But i HATE action timers, hate hate hate hate hate them. It makes me feel rushed like i cant think about the strategy i want to take.

Its my second favorite final fantasy. First is Tactics :)

Clearly Kotaku prefers Bravely Default. Im also willing to bet that it will sell better and overall be a more popular game. Not saying Lego Movie game wont be any good since usually Lego games are great. But Bravely Default has been hyped ever since it came out in Japan, and it needs more of a push than the Lego movie