

Well they see the word "Free" and go bonkers. Ive had people see me buying/playing 60$ games for my ps3 and scoff how they get free games on their phone they can take with them anywhere! Its amazing how misinformed they are.

You make it sound like they just picked a game at random like "lets just talk about this random game were playing!!!" Bravely Default is out today so ofcourse theyre going to talk about it a lot. Are you stupid? Have to be at least mildly challenged.

Sonic fans:

Development cycle was 2 years though. Treyarch and IW would take turns making it, so after releasing their game they then had 2 years to develop the next (and still support the current they have out for the first year)

Personally im alright with the designs. I also never cared for the 2-D "fast" gameplay. Never really appealed to me, so something like this (also enjoyed lost world) makes me interested in Sonic. Just my opinion though :)

Have a nice day! :) I really hope all goes well for you! Its unfortunate when certain people cant just let things go!

He never said anything about their word. YOU talked about "trusting their word". You were making assumptions while I posted about facts taken directly from the article. You are a moron who doesn't want to be wrong. Again, please let this shit go and have a nice day! :)

Youre just a moron whose back pedaling now. Have a nice day! :)

You apparently cant read either. Here:

Demo was its own thing though, you just treated it like it was a snippet of the game like almost all other demos are. Do some research next time ^_^ Essentially the demo was just for people to get a taste of the game without spoiling any of it. You could also unlock packs by completing certain tasks (youll get

At the end of the post for the WiiU shovelknight it says 3DS and PC as well

Replacing it with any word that means bad in any way would do nicely.

Timed exclusive deals are the plague of gaming imo.

It wasnt the middle of the game. The demo was a completely separate thing that they made to be separate from the main story. As for not having any abilities.. ofcourse not it wont be any different when you start up a new game youll probably not even have as many jobs as they gave you in the demo since you need to

Well then, fuck that.

Does anyone know if the square enix store charges right away for a preorder? Or does it do it like Amazon not charging until it ships? Hope its the latter.

Do you have problems reading or something?

It makes sense if it does happen to be

Very misleading title