You do realize you are the only one that agrees with yourself.. right? You are the definition of an elitist asshole.
You do realize you are the only one that agrees with yourself.. right? You are the definition of an elitist asshole.
You summed up that asshole perfectly, thank you! :)
Why should he care what i play though? It is none of his fucking business. Besides that something he dislikes i might absolutely adore. I remember the immense hate towards Skyrim on ps3, how buggy and horrible it was. My PC at the time couldnt run it, so i had to stay away from Skyrim for some time. After a year or so…
Totally worth it too, i already bought it on launch day though so that one wasnt as big of a deal for me :P I gotta grab DMC though when i get home, ive been meaning to all month just havent gotten around to it
So much of what you have said is subjective though. "That'd be like saying Skyrim was a great game, which due to its repetitive story. Bland writing, and poor immersion elements contradict that." I personally liked the story, the writing and felt very immersed into Skyrim. You cant just state things as if they are…
Oh so the only positive things in life are what you like? Do you even realize how snobby and stuck up you sound? Its GREAT that you dont like it, literally awesome that you have your own opinion of something. But that doesnt mean im going to feel the same way about it, honestly man did your brain not fully develop?
Holy fuck, i have never seen someone so negative about everything. At this point, you MUST be trolling, right? RIGHT?!
Oh right, a price of 20$(blackfriday/cybermonday sale) a year? Stop being such a cynical asshole please. I already use PS+ for other things, this is just a bonus, its free. I would happily still pay 20$ a year without the offer of these games. Literally costs about 5 cents a day.
Speak for yourself ^_^ These are still free, if they happen to be buggy? Oh well! Its free.
Holy crap.. PS+ is amazing O_O
I called the WiiU a gimmick? No no, the WiiU is fine, the gamepad is a gimmick. Just like motion controls, just like 3d. If you dont consider it a gimmick then you are crazy. Im also not using gimmick in a negative fashion, they just havent used it in any sort of effective way. It feels forced, and sorry but it really…
I own a wii u and i love my wii u. I have played and beat all of those games. It doesnt matter what you, me or anyone else that owns a wiiu thinks. The simple fact of it is that the thing isnt selling. Heres the difference between the kinect gimmick and any Nintendo gimmick (3d for 3ds, gamepad for wiiu, motion…
Bad gamecube sales in my honest opinion were directly related to having the stupid idea of going with small, insanely absurd discs. It couldnt be used as a dvd player, something that i know a lot of people preferred the PS2 for. Nintendo could easily compete in the power race. Are you kidding? If i could get Destiny…
"forces devs to make use of the 3D"
Gimmick Gimmick Gimmick
They dont force devs to use those things though. Look at the 3DS, Nintendo forces devs to make use of the 3D. Yes, sony and ms do have gimmicks, but they dont force them on devs thus forcing them on gamers. Sorry but nowhere was i forced to use the ps eye or motion control while playing the last of us.
But gamers dont want gimmicks. The ps4 and xbone the WiiUs main competition dont shove stupid gimmicks in our face. Look at the Kinect! Microsoft tried to force it down the throats of gamers and it back fired huge so they back pedaled and saved lots of face. The gamepad, just like wii motion controls is a gimmick.…
I understand that but if you go back to my original comment and what Nintendo said "Nintendo will be making a bigger deal out of the Wii U's unique gamepad and its raft of capabilities" They want to make the gamepad gimmick more used. Which in turn means more gimmicky games.
Joking around by sounding like an asshole online then mock and expect me to read into your joke via the internet where emotion cant be seen? Makes sense.
Eh i mean system seller games. Sorry but wonderful 101 isnt going to move units. Im talking a full fledged brand new 3-D Zelda, or Metroid, or something to really spark interest. (Im not saying there arent any games, because there are some great gems, but there definitely isnt anything that really makes the non…