
"Nintendo will be making a bigger deal out of the Wii U's unique gamepad and its raft of capabilities"

Um, seriously? Are you really being this much of a stuck up asshole? Typical Kotaku.

Then maybe you should specify that and not make it sound like youre saying it as the end all be all factoid that you did?

I see Nintendo games on sale all the time. Best Buy and Amazon consistently have first party Nintendo games for 50% off, maybe youre just not checking sales enough?

I kind of feel like holding two controllers would kill the immersion a little bit

You must be trolling for reactions, right?

Actually Disney is amazing on rainy days. Most of the local "season pass" holders dont show up. And many of the tourists just simply dont want to get wet. Almost all of the rides become walk on, and unless its absolutely pouring/thundering (Which in at least California/Land its usually just light drizzle) they wont

Uh, no? Clearly i was the one who said something about them

Right because yearly releases of CoD and BF and Halo and Assassins Creed are just breaking new ground, right?

Frame rate definitely matters more imo

Does it matter? Its pretty clear how it works here, +100% doubles the regular encounter rate, +50% adds half of the regular encounter rate to the regular encounter rate, 0% is just the regular encounter rate, -50% cuts the regular encounter rate in half, -100% is no encounter rates at all. I dont understand how youre

Look at the article +50% or -50%. Do you know what plus and minus mean?


half the encounter rate.. Thats really that hard to understand?....

Playing the demo it was a really great feature. I realized i needed something back in town in order to make one of the bosses a little easier, but having to run back to town probably meant 4-6 random encounters. I randomly decided to go into the options and found the slider, its amazing. I 1000% agree that every next

I dont remember exactly how old i was, but i remember freaking out thinking that my N64 was no longer going to work, i was obsessed with Donkey Kong 64 at the time and was worried i wouldnt get to beat it. Woke up that morning and ran out praying it would turn on. It did.

Well at that point its cheating and in some cases depending on the games security hacking, there are some groups that actually play legit and farm the gold. Now obviously it can ruin economies one way or another but there are quite a few MMOs out there that essentially make it near impossible to get gold otherwise so

Assuming its 15$ a month + 60$ thats 240$ for the first year. They sometimes give deals if you just buy 12 months right away, but still for me personally monthly subscriptions to games are horrible. If im not playing that game i feel like im wasting money, even if each day is only considered a few cents. I dont get as

Yea, selling gold is one thing (i dont totally agree with it, kind of on the fence) But the spamming is the part that is really annoying.