
Oh come on, you mean having "420Blazeit" and "350dfgh49054"(gold spamming ofcourse) running by kills the immersion? Oh right, it does.

IMO its not worth 60$ initially + monthly payments. I also think it will go free to play within a year, or at best "buy once" for just 60$ kind of like GW2. Im personally waiting for one of those 2 to happen.


Ive seen plenty of pitbulls save people as well. There are going to be bad apples in every breed. Stop being ignorant and so close minded.

You're a bigger idiot, congrats!

Ive never had a problem with steam, so i guess 100% of the time for me?

Just how theyve stopped all of the r4/acekards on the ds allowing people to pirate the ds like crazy? Go look up "ds roms" There are tons of sites to download from. If Nintendo didnt stop that, theyre not stopping this.

Every other year? What?

-_- Its not going to sell as well as a regular 3D Zelda game would is what im saying. Are you just trolling me at this point? You must be, that or youre just a complete asshole. Pick one.

Two new Zelda games? What? (the Dynasty Warriors spin off definitely doesnt count as "a Zelda game" if thats what youre trying to say)

The other consoles have more good games announced with some HUGE games coming in 2014, Nintendo has always been a "Second console" in most cases anyways. Again, if they announce a new "actual" 3D Zelda (the DW spin off doesnt count) And when said new Zelda drops and theyre still not selling WiiUs? Then by all means

I completely agree (if you thought i was against Nintendo i wasnt, im fully in support of them) They simply just need more games for it

Sounds like you may not be playing right(first off change your classes when you first start, it defaults everyone to the base class which i dont recommend). Use the brave and default system. When you default you go into a defensive position and take WAY WAY WAY less damage. Essentially: start battle, L, L, L, L(L is

Im not comparing that, im comparing the state of articles and comments we see. Im not comparing their sales numbers at all. Im comparing that back when the 3DS first launched i remember seeing "3DS/Nintendo DOOMED" articles all over the place and that its similar to what were seeing with the WiiU. But i guess i have

"I dont plan on getting one, therefore no one else will" Nice logic.

Because it got cheaper? Thats generally what will happen with a lot of products. Either way games sell consoles, not pricing. For example: I wouldnt have considered a 3ds (and didnt) until Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was announced for it, i went out and bought one right away. I have friends, never considered a 3ds,

Again, if a new Zelda, Smash Bros and Mario Kart do not sell consoles, please come back to my comment and ill eat my words. But once those start dropping i easily see them selling more consoles. Im not saying theyre going to have similar success like with the 3DS, but they will sure as hell have more success than they

Uh no, the real reason the 3DS found new life was because from late 2012-all of 2013 it finally got games. Kingdom Hearts 3D, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, Pokemon X/Y, Zelda ALBW, just to name a few. The hype from Pokemon alone was enough for tons of people i know/have seen in comment sections to buy

Try reading next time: "a NEW zelda" is actually what i said.

Oh im not excusing the way theyve done it, im just simply showing how similar the situations are. I remember seeing all kinds of "3DS is DOOMED"/" Nintendo should give up on 3DS!" articles in its first year and a half. It just all sounds eerily similar to one another.