
See i dont use a 3DS for commuting like so many people seem to say they use theres for. I play mine before bed. I usually give myself an hour or so to play every night before sleeping while my melatonin kicks in. Its great, ive done it with the gameboy/advance/ds/3ds and with a psp. Personally i dont enjoy playing it

No, the way you keep wording everything it makes it sound like youre stating it as a fact. You might not mean it, but thats how it reads.

"Grinding is only acceptable if I never HAVE to do it"

Sometimes i like grindy games, its a nice change up from story driven/reading textathons.. Not every game is like that though, so its not like its being shoveled down our throats.

So its essentially one big quick time event? ehhh

Weird, could have sworn i tried to buy borderlands 2 this last June and they sent me an email asking for phone confirmation, i declined and they canceled my order.

Is gamefly the site where they force you to put in a phone number to call you and make sure you purchased games? Or am i thinking of a different one?

This game says hi

Guarantee the masses would say "The graphics are cartoony and shitty. They need to make it look more like Battlefield" And thus this kind of art style rarely happens. The ignorance is insane.

Um.. rounder face, pony tail, boobs.. thats pretty clearly a woman. What kind of women do you look at if this looks like a man to you?

To be fair though the "Wii status" was pretty insane and i think even if they had done things differently up to this point with the Wii U you would still be saying the same thing. Either way my original comment wasnt on how Nintendo was going to capture past success, it was about how they will be fine and countering

Which is why once they get some games, the hardcore audience will buy it more. Theres no true system seller. The closest in my opinon is the new mario3d. But once a Zelda or something big comes out (smash bros imo could do it as well) It will sell just fine. I still think some new dance games, that made the Wii so

Wii U WILL pick up. Heres mostly what people are saying about it:

Eh i would get it if they put it on Amazon, theyre the only retailer i like preordering through. Regular edition for me then.

"watch the world burn" wanted to feel powerful enough to successfully mess with people and possibly impact a company...

Its not auto starting for me. Must be a browser or something that guys using.

SpikeTV is all about "dude bros" tho.. and thats essentially who this show catered to. Should have seen the twitch chat when Bioshock infinite won best FPS.. "OMG WHAT!? HOW DOES CALL OF DUTY NOT WIN?!" Is all that was said over and over.

Xbone people will fight to the death trying to convince you otherwise though.

Well its all strictly competitive multiplayer.. which weve seen plenty of times before. So i agree with you. Imo Destiny and the Division are doing that new "seamless multiplayer/single player" stuff.. which weve never had before.. so i think itll feel fresh. This just feels like CoD with mechs.. which is honestly

This game looks so pretty