
*Fallout Ultramicrotransaction Mobile card game with separately sold base + figurines to load into game (like skylanders) Every figurine sold separately ofcourse and figurines only work if their card counterpart is also inserted into the front of the base with the figurine scanned on top.

"Its not Fallout 4... its actually "Fallout Ultramicrotransactionathon Mobile!" We here at Bethesda are jumping ship with other great gaming companies and shifting our focus to the future! Mobile gaming! Thats right! You the fans wanted it, so were giving it to you!"

So essentially theyre letting the players build what they want to play? Sounds amazing to me!

I really really want to go into Toy Story, how great would that be? Could be interacting with the toys in Andys room, then they hear Andy and everyone goes GET DOWN ANDYS COMING or w/e they say and Sora Donald and Goofy just have to lay like toys.. i could definitely see it being very enjoying. That and Monster Inc

Please find me evidence that supports that endangering someones life and abusing public services is a troll. It goes way WAY beyond trolling.

Doesnt really matter though, does it? I mean whether you think trolls are funny or not, this guy is not a troll.

Okay, please give me some examples, where trolls have endangered others lives, and people as a whole, have called them trolls. Please, i would LOVE to see some evidence backing up your claim.

And it also doesnt automatically make him a troll. My point isnt what a troll is or does. My point is that what this guy has done, not what he was thinking he was doing, it not a troll. Endangering someones life is not a troll. Abusing public services which in turn could have endangered other lives is not a troll. My

So threatening someones life and abusing public services is considered trolling now? Youre joking, right?

Man seriously, someone at Kotaku needs to post this to the front page. Brilliant man haha, sums up everything perfectly.

Yup, but it doesnt really matter since my one and only point is that what this guy did is not trolling. Even if him and a few idiots think it is. This goes far and beyond trolling, into the realm of light terrorism in my opinion. Not only is it threatening someones life, its also abusing public services that could be

It doesnt matter though because my only point still stands. This guy is not a troll. Endangering someones life, and wasting public service's time is not trolling.

You should write a book on it, the way you put it, its easy to read and comes across perfectly :P

Have a nice day.

Well the problem is that most of the people that do the abuse or cyber bullying latch onto the term "troll" as an excuse. Like "ah no man, im just trolling him" Like it was meant to be harmless fun.. which is what trolling actually is. Its meant to be a way to convince people of something thats not real, or to trick

No, no it doesnt. "Trolling" has never been about endangering someones life, youre crossing the border from trolling when you start to do that.

See i dont feel its that bad when a game has them there, but its totally possible to play them without the microtransactions. I feel the problem arises when its set up where they make certain things extremely grindy/hard to unlock just so players are more inclined to purchase w/e it is instead. That to me is where

IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT MY DEFINITION IS. What matters is that what happened here isnt trolling, my entire point to my first post wasnt what the definition of word is. Fucking christ i hate people like you. "You should really say that its your opinion" NO shit? Im the one saying it, so clearly its what I think.