"We still don't think it's a must-own" Talking of the Wii U.. but um didnt you also give the PS4 and Xbone "not yets" as well?...
"We still don't think it's a must-own" Talking of the Wii U.. but um didnt you also give the PS4 and Xbone "not yets" as well?...
It is nothing like an MMO raid boss. On top of that the monsters could completely be considered puzzles. The first time you face a new monster it is going to behave and have different moves from the last. Even when you get to higher rank the monsters you fought before will have different moves that you have to get…
That would be amazing. Ive always liked fallout a little more than Elder Scrolls (i just feel the quests and dialogues are more fun) Plus v.a.t.s is honestly really fun to use. And discovering new vaults and what test was run in each is extremely fun to read/learn about. Hope Fallout 4 comes in the next year or two :3
Sorry was not my intent, I was not trying to prove that this game is perfect! Simply just trying to help new players or people who havent given it the right chance a better understanding of it. I just worded it poorly and got too worked up. Again, im sorry! Hope your day goes well :)
No worries xD i think we all just get a little too passionate over all of this sometimes, considering were probably some of the more "core" gamers :P It happens
There ya go, i think you worded it how i should have. Thanks! :D
Sorry, i didnt mean to generalize all of us. Its just i hear a lot of hate towards the monster hunter series for a lot of reasons that arent generally true. Its just a lot of the time people who dont give it the time it needs and (in my opinion) deserves. But whats done is done! :D Have a good day!
You seem to think im trying to force the game on people, questioning why others dont like it. Im not! Im simply trying to come up with a way to explain to people who dont know what the series is about! Just trying to say that it takes patience and a lot of time to get into! Sorry if it sounded offensive, it really was…
Im not trying to change peoples tastes. Im not trying to force the game onto anybody. You act like ive got a gun to peoples heads trying to force them to like what i like. Im really not, im just defending the game i love and trying to come up with a way to explain to people why the game takes a lot of time to get…
-_- Im just trying to explain why the game can take some time to get into. Sorry if the wording offends you, it was not my intent. Im not trying to put people down.
Comparing it to devil may cry and bayonetta is where you need to stop.. it is nothing like those games, and doesnt ever try to be.. Those are the very action games im comparing impatience to. People get used to spamming attacks/combos in those games. Its not a matter of "responsiveness" as you put it, its just a…
So then its not a game for you? Im not trying to force it on you.. the way your being so hostile in your responses sounds like i have a gun to your head :3 im just trying to come up with a way to explain to people that its not a slow game. Sorry if it came off wrong. Have a nice day and enjoy games you like! :)
Excuse me? Sorry if it came off in a bad way, im not trying to be an asshole. I just always hear the complaint of "combat is slow and unresponsive" so im trying to come up with a reason for that, since if you actually take time to learn how to play the game you will actually realize its the complete opposite..
See, maybe im just not wording it right, but "clunky" is far from what it is, its actually very intuitive but it just takes practice. You need to take things slow and figure out all of your possible combos and how each weapon is useful against each monster. You wont have the same aggressive strategy towards a monster…
You have given me no other reasons, and im not going off to read reviews. So please, give me some reasons, as i recall you havent even given the game a try? Not too smart to go completely off of reviews considering most are extremely bias towards the reviewer.
SO THEN ITS NOT A GAME FOR YOU! CONGRATS YOURE A HUMAN BEING THAT LIKES DIFFERENT STUFF! Im not forcing you to like it, but im mad at the people who try to put down the game for "poor design" (compared to what? Why do we need to compare its design to anything else? It is its own style of game and thats perfectly…
How is a game that takes strategy and patience(and yes it takes patience to learn monster movements, learn your combos, learn which weapons work best against which monsters, etc) tedious? There is no problem with the game, millions of players in Japan play it just fine, would you care to explain how so many of them…
See, you have zero patience if you think its a dry "calculated" game. Please, explain to me a game that is anything like Monster Hunter where you DONT just spam an attack button (and no Dark/Demon Souls doesnt count, they are completely different games) It honestly just sounds like you couldnt figure the game out, so…
auto targeting + d pad makes controlling the camera via 3ds easy. It just takes a few hunts to practice with. Again, it just takes a little patience which most people dont have nowadays unfortunately :/
It simply isnt mega popular in the west because people arent patient. People have become too used to big devs giving them action "spam the attack button QUICKTIME EVENT SPAM THE OTHER BUTON, now continue spamming attack button" type games. So when it comes to something where you need to time combos, figure out monster…