
aka youre not a very patient person. Monster Hunter is actually a very intuitive combo type game. Im willing to bet you jumped into it and just started smashing the main attack button. Its more of a game where you have to time your attacks and chain them together with dodging depending on what the monsters do. If you

DO buy Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to support this series that actually takes skill/patience and isnt just a button mashing/quick time event action game. Plus i really want Monster Hunter 4 to come to the west so the more support the current one gets the more chance MH4 has to come over. So please, support one of my

To YOU its quite boring when compared. But not to everyone. Its perfectly okay to have your own opinion on the games, but when you go around trying to throw it out as "a fact" that the Wii U doesnt have games you are nothing but a moron. What i want you to say is "in my opinion the Wii U doesnt appeal to me, but it

Most people are just parrots and repeat what they hear, its unfortunate.

Yes, yes it does. Just because YOU dont enjoy some of the Wii U games doesnt mean it does not have games. You are not the overlord of games who decides whats good and what isnt.

So youre willing to say that games that arent even out yet ARE killer apps? See youre all backwards, how do you know some of the games you listed wont get delayed? Or not be all that great? Its apparent that the Wii U just isnt for you, and thats okay. But you CANT say the Wii U has no games like its some fact in a

I never said Destiny and Outlast wouldnt be out in 2014, i simply said they dont have definite release dates.

A lot of those arent 2014 release dates. The only confirmed ones on that list are watch dogs, titanfall, infamous, driveclub, thief and outlast/destiny(which both still dont have solid dates) I can already 100% confirm to you that Kingdom Hearts 3 wont be here until 2015 at the earliest. And most of the others dont

You expect a massive library of exciting games to come out in the first year? Hopefully youre not that up on the PS4 and Xbone, yikes. All you really have to do is look at the 3DS (Nintendos other big system) First 2 years? It tanked, people were calling it a massive failure with barely any games (similarly it just

This isnt funny anymore considering the Wii U has some great games now.

Speak for yourself. The minute Monster Hunter came out on it, it was an instant must own for me

Confirmed, troubled childhood and just a complete asshole. Have a nice day!

Um.. what?

Youre a moron.

Seriously? Can you not make a mockery of PC gamers? You sound like a 14 year old kid who just discovered his first boner. Its like youre trying to put down the Xbone and PS4 fanboys for arguing/putting each other down, then you do the same. Just stop.

Uhm.. okay? Gooood for you?

Wait what? Im the one who posted the first comment lolol.. you want me to respond to myself? Uhm...

Im joking.. Are you honestly taking what im saying seriously? o.O

lolwut? Are you just an asshole or something? I dont understand why youre trying to insult me for going to a website. Did you have a troubled childhood or something?

No no Xbone fanboy, last week was your time to shit on the PS4, now its our turn to give it back.