
Did he also punch a bunch of the Xbone bluray drives?

I have both the PS4 and WiiU(which i got back when monster hunter launched) Both are great, im really just hoping for a new Zelda U (ugh probably what itll be named) to be announced. For PS4 im loving killzone and NBA 2k14(only gripe are the menus..they feel rushed and not done very well) I cant WAIT for Destiny and

I have both the PS4 and WiiU(which i got back when monster hunter launched) Both are great, im really just hoping for a new Zelda U (ugh probably what itll be named) to be announced. For PS4 im loving killzone and NBA 2k14(only gripe are the menus..they feel rushed and not done very well) I cant WAIT for Destiny and

I dont need an excuse

Just a way to browse news. I prefer gaf over most things though

The craziest part to me is that i saw post on reddit about a guy who found a "Stress test cd" in his xbone. It apparently is used in conjunction with a usb to stress test each system before theyre deemed worthy to go out to consumers. Wouldnt an issue like this have been found before going out? (note: this is just

Next gen Dark Cloud/2 sequel? Prequel? Reboot? Anything in relation to Dark Cloud? Please? ._.

When trying to by the Skyrim Legendary on ubisofts site whenever i go to check out i enter all my billing info + credit card number and hit "continue" and get a server error.. anyone else?

But why bring in that point? We werent talking about launch titles. When i said the Xbone is lacking compared to other consoles (that includes wii u, 3ds, PC, etc) I meant in march. Not overall -_- Youre just talking out of your ass now. OP and me never mentioned launch titles, YOU mentioned launch titles in a mad

You do realize that over that first month, first year, etc that MORE consoles will be sold, more will be made taking the SOLD number UP UP UP whats that mean? That even if more fail that % wont move at all! Its not like only this first million are the only that are going to sell. Add in the millions that will be sold

WE WERE TALKING ABOUT MARCH. We never ever mentioned launch exclusives, stop bringing them into the conversation. The OP said march, my response was about MARCH MARCH MARCH!!! -_-

Its a certainty that more consoles running right now will fail? LOL WHAT? Are you a time traveler? Marty Mcfly is that you?!

Did you completely miss my point? "and i have a PC for that" What i mean is that Second Son = exclusively on the PS4 which makes me want to buy a PS4. Titanfall = FPS which are usually more fun to play on PC and it ISNT an exclusive to the Xbone. (thats not to say i think exclusives are a good thing, but PS4 wins in

Haha nice, i used to dabble here and there with making games, i was horrible at coding but got fairly decent with my pixel art :P That was like.. 8 years ago though. XD

1% of 1 million would be 10,000 people. Thats enough people to clog any phone line.. either way i was trying to look at this subjectively, but you have ofcourse turned this into a "my dick is bigger than your dick" fanboy argument and im done. I hope you enjoy your Xbone as i am thoroughly enjoying my ps4. Have a nice

Its only the demo. I played one at Frys and it was exactly the same. My PS4 runs extremely fast and the menus are extremely snappy

Okay? I was debating that fact.

Im just getting annoyed hearing all of the Xbone fanboys yelling how the PS4 is failing and "everyone" is getting bricked PS4s when the failure rate is literally, as Sony has said, less than 1%