
The problems with PS4s are less than 1% and no im not just quoting what i see in a Kotaku article, the numbers literally show and prove that the failure rate is extremely low. On top of that Xbone COMPLETELY changed everything they were going for 5 months before release. A bunch of their features arent available at

And on that note, Xbone will more than likely have similar issues. Its something new that being massively produced, there are bound to be a few bad eggs.

Even funnier is that Paper Mario isnt even an option... i wonder if we could all sue walmart for false advertising..

I totally agree though, shit games. Its essentially shovelware for 4$. Theyre probably making money on every sale

Hahaha i noticed that too.. while looking through the game list Paper Mario isnt even an option though(unless i missed it..which is entirely possible).. Its mostly garbage or old games though. Idk its only a good deal if you really really want a 2DS and dont mind getting a random game free

I had to double take lol..


This Zelda isnt preinstalled, im fairly certain its a game code to download it.

Shouldnt the 2DS deal read "your choice from 31 games" It sounds like you get 31 games with how it is now...

Again, as i said to the other guy, i never said X was innovation. Im mostly speaking on FF in general.

Thats all my point really was :P That both are in the 70s. Both are just C games but at least neither are failing.

"I'm enjoying how angry people are that this is getting good reviews"

But your comment comes off very pro xbone. Good reviews? You make it sound like Dead Rising 3 is getting 90s across the board and Killzone only got below 50s. Go take a look at metacritic. Dead Rising 3 is at 78 Killzone at 73. Thats not that far off from one another.

You didnt. You mentioned Dead Rising 3, which is an Xbone exclusive.. I could say "Dead Rising 3" fans but its essentially the same thing. Especially since you decided to say "Why do you feel the need to justify your game/console purchase by slating another?" You mentioned Killzone then mentioned game/console bringing

Because most Xbone fans were on the Killzone review page shitting all over it for having bad scores? It goes both ways buddy. Stop trying to make Xbone fans seem like angels who ride golden chariots of kindness.

*facepalm* I never said X was innovation did i?

So just because he doesnt like xbone that instantly makes him pro playstation? He cant be a PC gamer who hates the xbone?

"Give me the same thing year after year. Stop trying to innovate and just mess things up!"