My wallet is happy that this, stick of truth and watch dogs got pushed back. Its not like were never going to see the games, just gives us some much needed time between releases lol..
My wallet is happy that this, stick of truth and watch dogs got pushed back. Its not like were never going to see the games, just gives us some much needed time between releases lol..
I meant OP who i responded to. I never ever responsded to or talked about Bobexplosion.
Im completely guilty of responding to the trolls. A lot of people are sometimes. But like i said its usually that ONE guy who throws out bait just to troll everyone into responses and since this is the internet it wont ever change. Trolls will be trolls.
It wont, its just like picking a favorite sports team, except these two consoles are always playing against each other. People are naturally competitive, and as soon as one person decides to spark up the debate (theyre usually a troll) everyone and their mom joins in fighting over them.
The problem is affecting a very very very low amount of PS4 owners. Its being blown way out of proportion to make it seem like all PS4 owners are having problems. Id wager its no more than 1-5% tops.
Id really like you to explain how i was going nuts over it. Sorry maybe it was the caps for the "hahahaha" So maybe you read everything in a crazy loud voice. I promise you it didnt come from me like that, it just needed to be done on account of how idiotic some Xbone fanboys can still be.
No not that guy. The guy i responded to. I was not in a conversation at all with the original OP. *facepalm* If youve been thinking my responses were to the original OP then.. wow.
Except the fact that 5 months before release they completely changed everything about it. But yea totally, im the idiot.
I see, well thanks lol. People can get crazy in making consoles into a dick measuring contest.
Havent played Knack, so no i cant say i know anything about it.
So did you reply to him too? Since OP gave Microsoft a pass without even having them released the xbone yet.
fanboi? AHAHAHA is that supposed to be more insulting than fanboy or something? aaaaahahahaha, im almost crying from laughter
Excuse me? He calls PS fans delusional, while trying to say that Microsoft having 7 extra days will give them a great launch, and Im the one with issues? LOL okay!
LOL @ people still comparing xbones DRM to steam.
Ive had no problem with these problems though. And besides that its a small portion of problems with the consoles. So why wouldnt i give them a pass? Its my opinion, sure if i had a problem then i wouldnt but my ps4 works perfectly fine. Either way, Sonys hardware problems still arent anti consumer like xbones…
Oh in every way. I have a PC (love it) but i also love Sony, mostly over Xbone. Ill still take PC over anything, but if it comes to Xbone vs Sony i will easily take Sony. Mostly because xbox policies have been horrible. Pay for xbox live? Here are some ads! And then what they wanted to do with the DRM and xbone…
nd youre not all talk? Youre either stupid or a really bad troll. Either way, have a good day! Have fun with your xbox live ads! Cause thats totally the best customer service, lets make them pay and STILL hit them with ads. Sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep.
Yea, Ryse looks like a real winner. Ive heard over half the game is completed in less than 2 hours. Brilliant!
Its funny how you never even showed that you bought or are pro-playstation and yet people are slitting your throat for it. Classic fanboyism at work here.
When the Xbone has nearly the same problems, im coming back here to rub it in your face.