
LOL so 7 days is going to make all the difference? HAHAHAHAHA

No thank you. Id rather have Fallout 4

Cant really be unfair stereotyping when its completely true. Even most of those less fortunate people would probably agree.

MARCH. Read the OP, he said "March is gonna be a good month if you own all the consoles" Is Dead Rising 3 releasing in March? No, no its not.

the ominouswarning guy?

Well the fact that so many people converted over to Ps4 will help too.. lets be honest (;

lol well im just so used to that control scheme, so it suited me best just to stick with it. No need to play around with others :P

The set up i started the game with is basically the same i use on call of duty, L2 = aim, R2= shoot, L1=special (in KZ its the owl), R1= grenade. X= mantle, square= reload, triangle= switch weapons, circle= crouch or slide, L3= sprint..

Really? A service that already had millions of ps3 users, and now has sold millions of ps4s and you dont expect there to be hiccups on day one? On top of all of the conerted xbox 360 owners, there are a lot of people signing up or trying to sign in.. all at the same time. Theyre all trying to download on top of it

Not sure, i just went with the default controls since its what ive always used on other fps games. Hopefully someone else can let you know

Its to be expected though.. i wouldnt doubt similar problems with xbox live

So far mines great.. But has anyone else had a problem with Killzone Shadowfall in the first few cut scenes? It drops frames here and there, and some of the voice acting happened before characters mouths moved. It was only in the initial chapter and now everything is fine.. but it wasnt too great of a first impression

i HATE mmorpgs where there are only like 3 class options.. "rogue" "mage" "warrior"

But i also dont really agree about dead rising.. sure its dead rising but apparently the frame rate blows, so doesnt really excite me.

Wasnt a comment on launch lineup though. OP was talking about march, as was i.

Exactly when did i ever mention the PS4?

Woah woah woah, youve played the new Infamous already? Marty? Is that you?

Well im mostly saying the other consoles have exclusives that make them more appealing while the Xbone does not since its one exclusive (titanfall) is also on PC.

Only game on Xbone that looks good is Titanfall, and i have a PC for that.. soo idk in my personal opinion Xbone is still lacking more than any other platform.

But why make the point? This guy spent his hard earned money to do this to it(most of which im assuming he'll make back off this video). What gives you or anyone the right to question him?