Zapp Rowsdower

The Wrong Guys episode is so underrated. Too bad they don't have the opportunity to do their Louie Anderson imitation more often. (Trivia: that movie was directed by Rachel Bilson's dad.)

Tony Danza, not Bob Saget.

Anyone else remember the short-lived (and hilarious) sequel to "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancee," "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss"? With the Donald Trump clown show in the news, I've been thinking about it quite a bit. The amazing catchphrase when clients were bumped off the show: "Get the HELL out of my office."

When "Sweet Home Alabama" mentions "the governor" (Wallace) the next line is "boo, boo, boo." And then it's followed by, "now we all did what we could do."

Jackson was in the audience, but she was way too much of a loose cannon to be allowed on stage.

I still maintain that Piscopo's run on SNL would get more respect if it wasn't followed by Phil Hartman, probably the one person on earth who could do a better Sinatra.

Specifically, the "bit" was that they should weigh Terry Sweeney every week to see if he lost weight. Because of AIDS.

When Samberg and Sandler sang about breaking character, I kept waiting and waiting for them to show Dana Carvey losing it when the dog started eating his "Massive Headwound Harry" makeup. It never came.


I had no idea "Where Have All The Good Times Gone" was a Kinks cover until way too recently.

The last time mainstream country music got this stale, in the mid-eighties, Randy Travis came along to shake everything up. And, oh boy, does country need another Travis now. (For that matter, I'd also like the *old* Travis back.)

"Nude women! Clowns welcome!"

"Is that our plane?"
"No, if that were our plane, it would be crashing."

Right after that line the elderly security guard gives Murray his gun and says "I'm an old man," and Murray responds, "Really?"


I thought The Sixth Sense was boring as shit, while Signs fucking terrified me. I'll never forget the theatre audience completely freaking out when the alien/demon/whatever walks out during the birthday party scene.

According to one popular fan theory, they aren't aliens, but demons. (That's why they can't open wooden doors, either.)

I know I'm in the minority here, but liked Quick Change way, way more than Groundhog Day, and I don't know why it hasn't developed anything more than a cult following. It is one of the all-time great "old New York City" movies, and that supporting case - especially Randy Quaid - is spot on.

Robert Luketic, director of "Monster-in-Law," the "Legally Blonde" movies, "Win a Date With Tad Hamilton," "21," that Liam Hemsworth/Harrison Ford movie whose title I can't be bothered to look up, and the most atrocious Hague-worthy war crime ever inflicted upon cinema, "The Ugly Truth."

Renaissance Man. Mark it down.