
Can’t wait for Norm’s new show!

I agree with Norm MacDonald - to me the Liberal left wing and the alt-Right wing are playing the same game from different corners.

Manufacturing victimhood with clickbait articles that smear the truth over their predetermined political stance in a very successful attempt to make themselves look like they have the moral

This subject is a common reference point in conversations that I’ve been involved in - how common and pervasive Slavery was (with Biblical origins).

I like this guy - smart, compassionate and considerate. In a time of outrage and conspiracy theories (see: Drumpf presidency) it’s a welcome reprieve.

I’m a fan.

Is this really shocking?

While it was an abuse of power - you are lying by stating that he “he masturbated in front of non-consenting women”.

IT got a 2nd opinion, and the Celtics told him it was his decision entirely on whether he should play or not.

No dirty work here

I hope you have a long career at the top of your profession - do you, and society wins.

Easy way to answer this...

Marissa Alexander was offered a 3 year plea deal -declined and took it to the jury who gave her 20 years. Then Corey still renegotiated the 20 years back to the 3 years. Marissa went to the car to get the gun and went back into the house when she could have left.

Angela Corey also went against the “Stand your ground”

This is what happens when we participate in the social media culture wars.

James Gunn, Chris Hardwick, Amy Powell....

Everyone is in a “tribe”, and there is a tribe that opposes what you think, what you find funny.....

Journalism is still alive!

What a great piece - loved every word. I can totally relate (as much as a 45 year old man can) to her love of the “grace” that some play the game.

Thanks Craig!

This is a great tactic - instead of exchanging the race you’re baiting just substitute a wild animal and you’re good.

Everyone believes their tribe is so pure and the opposition is so evil.

Hey - let’s look at the anti-Trump tribe who publicly decide to criticize the McHale family, whose daughter passed away at the age of 23 in 2012 from Lupus related complications....wonderful people.  Where do I sign up?   /endSarcasm

I just love tribal warfare and identity politics. It solves so much.

Mostly agree with you - I do find it ironic that this conversation abstains from calling out the source of morality for those who justified the evils of Slavery as the perpetrators sourced the Bible to justify their actions.

From delivery by the Catholic countries Portugal and Spain, to the Southern Protestants who

What’s interesting is that 5 days later it appears she did lie.

There’s nothing offensive about the question or the answer.

Gotta say - women acting like Lupica was the reason why women weren’t in Publishing back in the day. How ironic.

Sure Laura - and as someone who chases stories you haven’t succombed to mindless drivel to keep your clicks relevant.