Oh no!!! It's "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner", but with Katherine Heigl in it instead of Katharine Houghton (and no Hepburn, Tracy, or Poitier).
Oh no!!! It's "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner", but with Katherine Heigl in it instead of Katharine Houghton (and no Hepburn, Tracy, or Poitier).
Of course they are more sympathetic. They were the heroes of that movie, fighting against the fascist, xenophobic world where the population was fed the stomping of innocent Earth bugs as militant propaganda.
The only way I could see anyone moving towards Christianity from atheism solely on reading Rand is that they were so horrified by her views that they decided to try not to be any of the things she was (atheist being one of those things).
Have you considered that your friend's philosophy is "Whatever liberals seem to be for, I'm against it"? It might make it easier to understand why it is so difficult to pin down.
House Meowmont. House Purratheon.
Yeah, not the best judgement call, but the subsequent anger against that bad judgement call is misdirected given that it is Comedy Central's Twitter account and not someone who is more directly involved in the show.
The Twitter account in question doesn't belong to either "Stephen Colbert" the character or Stephen Colbert the person. It isn't even run by The Colbert Report. It is, as Evan mentioned, run by the network Comedy Central.
This isn't about homophobes, this is about you being so dismissive about death threats to a 5 year old no matter how many or few there were. This isn't about fear tactics and trolling, this is about you thinking that any types of threats to a 5 year old are no big deal.
"Obvious truth"? What is the threshold of death threats sent to a 5 year old where we need to really start being concerned? Are the other threats to a 5 year old okay because they aren't death threats?