
I voted “stand” but I really mean “crouch”. I hover my ass over the toilet, reach back, scrub my b-hole, discard, and repeat as necessary. I do look back most of the time to see my efforts because sometimes it’s like “Good lord, I feel three pounds lighter” and then I see why I feel that way.

If you just drop it in the water without looking, how do you know you’re clean? You just blindly hope there’s not still smearings of shit on your ass?

Proud stander here. That is all.

I really don’t understand sitting to wipe. Do you really want to stick your hand in the toilet bowl? Most are not cleaned very often (most people just pour some of that blue shit in the toilet and call it a day) and people probably pee all over the undersides of the seat. No thanks, I’ll stand and wipe like a real

I actually can't even picture how you wipe your ass while sitting. Like, I reach my hand pretty much into the toilet bowl under my balls? What if I took an enormous shit that is peaking above the water? Why would anyone risk that? I wasn't even aware sitting to wipe was a thing people did. What the actual fuck.

Wipe while sitting down? How the fuck do you wipe while sitting down? You mean crouching? I think this whole thing is based off of how people interpret the phrase “sitting down.” If you were actually still sitting on the rim of the toilet it’s impossible to get into dat ass to wipe. I selected “while standing up” but

While everyone else is arguing over intent, let me propose this:

So the aggrieved party didn’t file a protest and has said nothing about it? Time to move on.

I don’t think this type of behaviour is okay, but if she had been a boy grabbing a girl then I bet everybody’s reactions would’ve been different.

No offense, but it sounds like whatever he had in his head before AA was also less than helpful.

Actually, people can solve individual and social ills thru community. That’s the secret to the success of Self-help support groups like AA.

I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

So say we are walking down the street, you are following me. I feel threatened by you because I think you're too close to me, so I turn around and point am unloaded gun at you. You jump out of the way, into the street and are hit by a bus. No contact no foul? Or do I just get sued for copyright infringement because I

They are both idiots. What I will never understand of people who brake the fact that they are willing to get into a high speed accident just to piss someone else off attempt to get someone to back off. I don’t understand the point of willingly jeopardizing your life because some assbag behind you wants you

Hey “Obvious” take your minivan and keep trucking little fella..... You are part of the problem. Want to become part of the solution? Move over Tom.

Not so wreckless this time

The law in many (most?) states that the left lane shall be yielded to faster traffic, with specific speeds never mentioned.

No, it’s why you get off your high horse and move the fuck over.

I don’t know if I would say he got what was coming to him. Common knowledge is if your going slow in the left lane and someone comes up behind you, then move into the slower lane if possible. Brake checking when the other lane is open is a dick move IMO

Yeah, nearly dying was certainly “what was coming to him” for driving too close to the car in front of him.