
It was going to be a no-win situation anyways with the native Americans and magical America. Don’t bring them up, and you’re erasing them. Draw upon native traditions, and you’re appropriating them. Make some shit up entirely, and you’re caricaturing them.

Sorry but that is a feature not a bug. All personal safes have to have an alternate method of entry. What if the safe is keyed to the husband’s hand but the wife is in need of entry. What if the keyed hand belongs to a deceased person. Gun safes (like others) are not meant to be foolproof but to be a deterrent to

I assume you’re equally terrified leaving your kids home alone with kitchen knives, razor blades, gasoline, power tools (ex. chainsaw), cleaning supplies, over the counter medicines, rubbing alcohol, live electrical outlets, ladders, tall trees, matches, ovens, 2nd story windows, unused automobiles.

You missed the point.

Please tell me you gave the same attention to the magnet-in-a-sock that opens most home safes.

Her staying power is literally that she is riding on the coattails of her husbands legacy.

“There are dozens of other ways you could have insulted Hillary Clinton without making it about her gender.”

Please, for the layman thats all she is. Nothing to do with gender, its just her most memorable role.

You must be real fun at parties.

I didn’t see an insult there at all, it was merely pointing out what is going on in politics on our tiny little planet in this tiny little country. If she won, would it be wrong to point out she would be the first president that wasn’t male? Of course not. Fuck you for being irrationally sensitive about a non-issue.

I apologize for the offense, I meant none at all. That was one of her titles and is the 4th sentence in her Wiki. She is a rather accomplished person with titles like Senator and secretary of state too, but there have been candidates with those titles before. She is the first first lady to run for office.

So she wasn’t Bill Clinton’s wife?

Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.

What is wrong with the greenery? why does it look like a videogame bullshot?

To be fair, it was a clock face with a bunch of wires attached to a few motherboards inside a briefcase that wasn’t a part of any assignment.

I hate when people make long tutorial videos to explain something when a paragraph of text would do. Especially when I’m at work and can’t watch videos.

Hmmm since the parents actively sought out the media and the article is based entirely off of their word...... I’m gonna go ahead and guess that there is a lot that they aren’t saying that might go a long way towards explaining the other passengers’ reactions.

Didn’t everyone already assume that’s what initially happened? The day a crustacean becomes intelligent enough to recognize and wield a weapon like that is the day i become truly afraid.


Have we just, as a society, dispensed with the notion that if you’re a victim of a crime you should you know ... alert law enforcement rather than wait 10 years and file a civil suit? I’m not callous enough to dispute Kesha’s claims, but I feel like by not dealing with it through the official channels, the optics wind