
Today in “People complain about free stuff because they can.”

He's being given the Kardashian Retreat Treatment (KRT, trademarked). Step 1: Find vunerable black man. Step 2: Drive him mad or towards drugs. Step 3: Watch implosion and act like concerned wife/concubine/underage sidepiece.

Fuck Lexapro. He needs Haloperidol.

Under a Clinton Presidency we’d have no additional mental health funding and someone who you seem to show so much feigned concern for would be at great risk for being killed by police for the crime of having mental illness.

It was clearly VIII that was best!.. wait or is that just the one I played most recently...

Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.

Who knows? Thing is, I think Kara is too young to remember that people clutching their pearls over music is nothing new. Ten years ago, remember the uproar the Dixie Chicks caused? People were gathering their CDs to trash them? Twenty years “gangster rap” and “sex rap” bands like 2 Live Crew had a whole court fiasco

why is this non story getting attention?

Yeah, but this is inapplicable to her. She still believes, as an adult, that it was not coercion. It bothers me when people take the narrative away from the person they are claiming was a victim. It’s her story and her decision to determine whether she was a victim or not.

Where does this narrative end, though?

Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light

Actually, *some* white people went into defense mode. Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck. Don’t believe twitter or the media as representing any one single race of people.

Makes me feel like we just might find her wandering the streets asking for the time before long.

So, basically you’re shit at the game and are blaming the game instead of yourself? Also, what jarring character twist? Zidane remains who he is throughout the game, he has one section of the game where he’s not himself and that takes about 5-10 minutes. It’s also completely in line with the events of the plot.

“Why the heck did I ever think Final Fantasy games were so great?”

Because they are. That’s not your problem.

Your problem is that you created an unrealistic expectation of it, probably after having jumped on the “Final Fantasy was good before and now sucks” train that every moron on the Internet does and now you’re


It’s an attempt, I mean, it has some elements of the Studio Ghibli style. I see the Princess Mononoke mask on Darth Maul, a dropped in Porco Rosso pirate, some blimps, some propellers... I see the elements, but it’s executed with a very digital, very internet comic style. If there’s one thing that make a Ghibli

This article is nothing short of abominable. Publicly shaming these women using the most misleading headline you can find. Why don't you publish the other photo instead of just that one? The one that clearly shows purple glitter paint? Because they contradict your headline that they "claimed" it was purple-face they

Not to mention the tinfoil antennae. Since when did we get the stereotype that black people have antennae??

“Avoiding a racist mix-up by skipping dark paint altogether would’ve been another cool option.”

Sigh, people get bent out of shape over the dumbest things when there are far worse issues happening world wide.