
“We need to stand up to reactionary policies aimed at targeting and criminalizing the immigrant community.”

I won’t cry over this since I’ve been purchasing all my games ever since I got Steam (which is quite a while ago). But that being said, f*ck Denuvo and it’s performance throttling feature, extended load times and SSD devouring tendencies. The whole cat and mouse play between DRM and pirates is one damn catch 22 indeed.

Plenty of people pirate games and then purchase them after determining that the company isnt trying to shyster them out of 50-70$.

I don't know, if I could 3d print a car....

A reduction in piracy won’t = an increase in sales. it’ll just result in less games being played by pirates.

I’ll take anal bum covers for 400, Alex.

Remember when Portland drained an entire reservoir because a security video indicated a teenager might have peed into it? Interesting survey question: would you rather be told you're drinking water with harmless, trace amounts of radiation, or be told you're drinking from a 40-million gallon reservoir that a teenager

As a woman, I’m not sure I have an opinion on tampon package design.

Weird that pirating didn’t exist until The Witness.

I get the distinction, although I don’t think it’s fair to make that statement in its entirety, since we don’t know that every single person is doing that. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support piracy, I’m just saying that it’s still very possible that some of the people downloading the game are demoing it. Hell, if

you also have places like Brazil where everyone pirates everything because of the ridiculous taxes that make a single game cost over $100 USD.

Great video Patrick. I land more in the “pro-sharing” camp than you do, even though I haven’t torrented a game in a long time. I appreciate that you actually addressed the “torrents don’t equal lost sales” with authenticity and nuance, and it made your stance even more persuasive.

Unfortunately for legit PC players, the time to switch to a console might soon be approaching.

For me it fluctuates with my income. I pirate games when I’m broke (like right now) but when I have a steady income I buy almost everything I play. It’s hard to actually calculate lost due to piracy. I mean I still have over 600 games on steam so I definitely spent a lot of money on there, and the reality is that

OK here we go. This doesnt really fit for a game like the witness but many people are simply tired of paying $120 bucks for a $60 dollar game. Worse off is that the new $120 dollar scam is nearly the same game as last years version, except now we get to deal with the newly releases, but only 3/4 finished game. Stop

I used to pirate extensively because I had no income, Now I don’t as I can afford to buy the games I want to play (except like legacy arcade stuff but whatever there’s no decent legal way to get half that stuff)

People who pirate are not people who would have purchased it.

I feel like these posts/threads about piracy always initially forget about the fact that, in some places in the world, $30 or $60 is a shit ton of cash to spend on a game. I’m not defending pirating or justifying it but I think a significant percentage of pirating happens just because people could not afford to play

Really? Have you seen any evidence that PC sales all around are in a slump? Last I checked, the likes of Steam, GoG, and Origin where doing pretty well and the PC market was quite profitable.

Maybe I’m old school, but I absolutely detest video journalism. Nothing against your attempt, Mr. Klepek, but I believe it to be an evolution the needs to be un-Darwined. I enjoy Kotaku because it’s one of the few geek sites that still write way more often than they make a video. I would’ve loved to read the article,