
Rose is also a great strategist, so I'm assuming Rose, knowing that after the war anti-gem technology would be invented to ensure that if any rogue CGs are captured they can't escape, would also know that Steven (being half-human) would be impervious to that. So, in a way, she's essentially turned herself into the

Well, Lady can transport too, can't she? Or am I confusing that with phasing?

I actually think Lady's pregnancy has a lot to do with Tier 15.

I disagree. At the end of the episode, I felt a sense of connection. Here are all these characters (who would have otherwise been loners, or pathetic losers), coming together, and bonding over a shared secret that only they know. Now, whenever we see them in future episodes, we'll know that no matter what, these

I always assumed that the creators had this planned. They'd tide us over with less plot-heavy episodes for as long as they can before they introduce Finn's dad as the main antagonist of the season.

He might be voiced by Dante Basco? YES! YES! YES!

Funny, I feel the same way, but I've flipped the titles. I can stand Breadwinners, but I hate everything Sanjay and Craig even attempts to do. I even hate the things they get right.

Ah! Do you not remember "A Glitch is a Glitch"? I know it was an April Fools joke, but if you want to talk straight-up weirdness, then that one pretty much takes the cake.

Good point. How DOES PB know what Martin looks like? She might have been on the train with Starchy in Escape to the Citadel, or her being a bajillion years old might have something to do with it…

I love Hannibal. Has to be the best show on TV.

Part of that might be because Hannibal appears to have actual respect for his victims sometimes, and Mason doesn't have respect for anyone, and he has an unhealthy obsession with the need to control everything in his sister's life.

Of course he does. He's a floating wolf head with a backwards hat. Knowing how to party is kind of a universal trait of all floating wolf head's with backwards hats.

Party God's kind of a d*ck.

It could have been that.

If he's careless enough to forget about the birth of his own son, then I wouldn't put it behind him. Shacking up with a women he doesn't care about and abandoning her in the sewers to live with mutants and forget her own language is probably an everyday thing for him. He was in a prison for committing a Cosmic Crime.

Anyone else wondering if Susan Strong will be revealed as Finn's Mom soon?