
First I’d just like to say that I really appreciate your cycling articles Patrick. It was an article you wrote years ago that first had me tune into a Tour de France and ever since then I have been hooked. I am now one of those crazy cycling fans that have a vpn and go great lengths to find streams of races, sometimes

I’m not sure you are reading the article right. The people who are submitting the art are not complaining, it’s the artists, or people who represent professional artists, that are complaining of this practice.

Watching that today was pure magic.

As a cycling fan though, it was tough to hear the commentators afterward use the word “unbelievable” over and over and getting a gross taste in my mouth.

Insane feats in cycling just can’t truly be appreciated as they should anymore.

If most of you “just see cheaters” then you are basically seeing cheaters in every single bike race. Drafting behind cars to get back to the peloton happens anytime someone has a mechanical, or heck, even takes a dump. Riders hold on for a few seconds to their car after receiving food or getting medical. Riders take

I only know basic math and don’t actually know much about the different kind of inhalers and trying to be active with them.

32 puffs in 24 hours- 8 hours for sleeping = about 1 puff every half hour. So he didn’t have to use more then once every half hour.

I can’t speak to the culture of the store now, I only go into Gamestops now so my kids can look around and I can feel like a good dad by saying no everytime they ask to get some knickknack peppered throughout the store.