imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow


You do what you feel comfortable.

Quality over quantity I always say :)

I have a very long vetting process.

I have to admit, I am both excited by the this idea and terrified by it.

Honestly that is probably what allows you to maintain employment.

*internet hugs* it’s true a lot of places, it’s very hard to make new friends

Do you have both? DO I KNOW YOU?

I thought this was what kijna & twitter were for.

She knew Kanye would be embarrassed because of his fragile ego, and—ding ding ding—he was.

Oh yes, if only all of the country would/could pattern their lives after out of touch white men. Why, there would be world peace. (not really)

Yeah, but his Dr started the letter out with “to whom my concern” which I think was a Freudian slip/cry for help.

SOMETHING :P (and thank you)

cloth-covered balls containing herbs like mothersworth, osthol, angelica, borneol, and rhizoma

I am so glad she is thriving, she seems to have the right perspective on the situation and she knows how to shut the stupid shit down.

I’m here for the gossip not the social restructuring of society.

Considering how he carries himself with the ladies, it is like the most poetic justice the universe could make possible.

I am firmly #TeamRob.