imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow

Because they are like the mob.

I believe this. I didn’t realize depression was so crippling for him, but I can see how it would be. I always felt like he preferred reality and not the illusion his family created hence the distancing. I hope he finds his way on his terms.

I’m not entirely clear on what actually went down.

She is very lovely.

I’m not convinced he cares about the fame. But he does like the money which is why he made the half hearted attempt to join them when he did. The problem is, he wasn’t raised to have any actual useful skills expect to be a puppet of his mother and I think this is his attempt to play her game his way. Who knows how

Plastic surgery has done wonders for his sisters. Who’s to say it couldn’t help him also.

AHAHA this is what could happen when people buy these new builds. Everything looks the same on the outside.

That part confused me especially also. Even figuratively though, maybe invest in some better locks or doors. Or just lock your doors. I bet she doesn’t even do that basic step.

“I come home and someone’s occupying my house and they’re eating my food and then they’re taking the kids from my bed; they’re taking the money out of my pocket,” said Deena from South Carolina, probably speaking figuratively. “Why should we have to support someone else and then make our kids suffer, our families

I don’t know. I really wonder how much of that was Kris trying to get him into the family business. Rob is, or rather was, attractive enough and Kris is powerful enough to get him the high profile relationships if he really wanted them. I just don’t see him being as thirsty as his sisters are.

I think he is the Jon Gosselin of the group, he doesn’t want the fame and attention, he also doesn’t want to live his life in the limelight. But his family won’t stop so, it’s possible he is fighting fire with fire now and probably hoping to collect a bit of an increased paycheck as a result. He knows his sisters and

That statue is totally naked. This means the game should make a statue of himself.

Actually, we are all the losers for paying attention to this.

Oooh. That is such a Rob thing to do.

Uh, that statue has nipples. WHY HASN’T IT BEEN CENSORED.

Omg. It’s a brilliant move on his part. It’s so smart.

None of those women is on Real Housewives for the relationships with the other women. It’s the $$$$ they get paid to do it.

I love that Rob is doing this so much. SO MUCH.

I bought some work pants on and I still wear them to work. My baby is 1.