imtiredthatisall IS just like Gywneth Paltrow

There are no rules towards the end of pregnancy. Whatever makes you comfortable is the only requirement.

OMG Is it crazy that I really really hope that Rob does have a baby with Blac Chyna!!!!

(Sorry I have been snowed in just getting back to work)

Wait, butts are ok on Instagram? But prominent penises covered tastefully by underwear are not okay?

Third time is a charm for them both hopefully? HOPEFULLY? I want to believe.

I can’t even imagine what horrible things happened to him as a child to warp him into what he is today.

I do not know if we are thinking of the same snowstorm, but the one I am thinking of was the late 90s and it took me five hours to get home that day.


I think I just became a Bill’s Fan.

There are always exceptions!

Ooh. Thanks I will look into these.

Now where can I find this on the Neko Atsume app?

Now where can I find this on the Neko Atsume app?

WOAH Kristin named TWO of her kids after dogs?

I still do not believe that Gwen and Blake are really in love. I’m sorry. I just don’t believe it.

I clearly don’t understand R Kelley’s definitions for love.

I think it happens when you don’t know what to ask. With our first kid honestly I was surprised that he could handle cheerios at six months. But we were lucky to have a daycare teacher who had extensive experience with babies and introduced him to it.

That is a good idea. I didn’t think of getting one of these.

It is also NOT cheeseless queso. It’s just pureed almonds.

Yes, however, some new parents do not realize when they can start their kid on solid food or are too afraid to. I started my youngest at six months and he was a pro by 1 year but a kid in his class who was older couldn’t handle solid foods at 1 because her parents didn’t know to start her and she would choke.